Ksh_667 t1_j1jict8 wrote
Reply to A chance encounter and mother's intuition: How 2 Indy women helped find missing Ohio twin by BurstTheBubbles
These women have my utmost admiration & awe. What a wonderful pair of humans.
Ksh_667 t1_j1ifzqa wrote
He's got a gorgeous smile, what a charmer! :)
Ksh_667 t1_j1bbo23 wrote
Reply to comment by camman1776 in Woman suspected of kidnapping 5-month-old twins is arrested in Indianapolis; one baby still missing by madukfan
Thank you for the update, I was really disturbed by this (as obv were lots of ppl) & it's such a relief to know they are safe.
Ksh_667 t1_j05kubg wrote
I am shocked that anyone would buy anything supposedly edible from these 2 crackhead looking scumbags. Never been so glad that I dont eat meat.
Ksh_667 t1_izr92w5 wrote
Reply to comment by IJsbergslabeer in One person killed and a dozen missing after Jersey flat explosion by safetyscotchegg
Someone is going to be held responsible for this I imagine. How terrible for those 12 ppl. To think they reported smelling gas & for whatever reason it wasn't sorted out. I guess more info will come out in time.
Ksh_667 t1_izpmtnv wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in One person killed and a dozen missing after Jersey flat explosion by safetyscotchegg
I'm a brit & I immediately thought they meant new Jersey too.
Ksh_667 t1_iznl4ew wrote
Emergency services were called out the evening before due to reports of a smell of gas? This sounds like it could've been prevented. With 12 ppl still missing & the 3 storey apartment block "pancaked", I'm not holding out much hope for them.
Ksh_667 t1_iyf5i1i wrote
Reply to comment by DonForgo in Tennessee officers won’t face charges for violent arrest ----- A district attorney says a grand jury has declined to indict police officers after an investigation by Tennessee's police agency into the violent arrest of a Black man for alleged traffic violations by paulfromatlanta
I know, that's why I put the /s at the end :)
Ksh_667 t1_iyf38wp wrote
Reply to comment by DonForgo in Tennessee officers won’t face charges for violent arrest ----- A district attorney says a grand jury has declined to indict police officers after an investigation by Tennessee's police agency into the violent arrest of a Black man for alleged traffic violations by paulfromatlanta
I'm hoping the robots will turn out to be less racist than the cops /s
Ksh_667 t1_iyf30q4 wrote
Reply to comment by lasvegasnv11 in Iranian man, 27, shot dead for celebrating team’s World Cup exit | Iran by XaltotunTheUndead
I don't think they did as I read a couple days ago that all the families had been visited & threatened if the players refused to toe the line.
Countries like Iran are always aware of the likelihood of their athletes/ sports ppl requesting asylum abroad whenever international travel is involved & they take steps to deter this :/
Ksh_667 t1_iyeugd0 wrote
Reply to comment by lasvegasnv11 in Iranian man, 27, shot dead for celebrating team’s World Cup exit | Iran by XaltotunTheUndead
I was thinking this when they first refused to sing the national anthem. I was actually hoping they'd ask for asylum somewhere. Then I read how their families were threatened & of course it's never going to be that easy with that held over them.
Ksh_667 t1_iyenszi wrote
Reply to Iranian man, 27, shot dead for celebrating team’s World Cup exit | Iran by XaltotunTheUndead
I'm seriously worried for the safety of the Iranian football team & their families when they return to Iran.
Ksh_667 t1_ixp6j46 wrote
Reply to comment by roborobert123 in UK net migration hits all-time record at 504,000 by sevolatte
No there's plenty of room. The housing & job crisis is nothing to do with immigrants. The uk needs immigrants to keep certain sectors working at all, eg NHS.
Ksh_667 t1_ixc7owt wrote
Reply to comment by prototype7 in Iran Protests: Covert testimonies reveal sexual assaults on male and female activists as a women-led uprising spreads by hoseiin
They claim to hate these "backwards heathens" but their aims & ideas are SO much closer than they'd have you believe. They WISH they could behave like them.
Ksh_667 t1_ixb7g53 wrote
Reply to comment by SeamusMcBalls in Iran Protests: Covert testimonies reveal sexual assaults on male and female activists as a women-led uprising spreads by hoseiin
Oh yes I absolutely agree, it's just the hypocrisy is stunning.
Ksh_667 t1_ixaygs3 wrote
Reply to Iran Protests: Covert testimonies reveal sexual assaults on male and female activists as a women-led uprising spreads by hoseiin
Aren't these meant to be the "morality police" who are doing the rapes here. What a mess.
Ksh_667 t1_ix1hgkp wrote
Reply to comment by fkmeamaraight in ‘I feel like a migrant worker’: Gianni Infantino hits out at World Cup criticism | World Cup 2022 by Island_Monkey86
Well he managed to sort the red hair problem out didn't he.
Ksh_667 t1_iwehl7j wrote
Reply to comment by CryptidGrimnoir in Suspect in custody following fatal shooting of 12-year-old, 14-year-old also injured in Colorado shooting by spiceponey
Thanks I really appreciate this. Yeh I suspected the movies ive seen were not particularly accurate, but I just didn't know enough about any of it to know why. The average English person has no knowledge of guns. Most ppl I know have never seen one, let alone be able to identify say a pistol from a revolver, or a semi from a fully automatic.
Apart from the deafening noise, which would obv preclude all the complex conversations they have in films while mowing down lines of baddies lol, I'd have expected the semi or fully auto weapons to have more of a kick back when fired. Like I'm a 5'4 woman & weigh 90lbs. I'd expect to find myself knocked off my feet if I fired a rifle style gun. Would that be likely or am I over thinking it?
Ksh_667 t1_iwe3rig wrote
Reply to comment by CryptidGrimnoir in Suspect in custody following fatal shooting of 12-year-old, 14-year-old also injured in Colorado shooting by spiceponey
Thanks for making this clear. Can I ask if a semi-auto gun can be easily converted to become fully auto? My knowledge is kind of limited to Hollywood films lol & it seems every criminal has access to fully automatic machine guns. I had no idea they were rare. Sorry if this is a naive question.
Ksh_667 t1_iwcb7h4 wrote
Reply to comment by ArrrGaming in Suspect in custody following fatal shooting of 12-year-old, 14-year-old also injured in Colorado shooting by spiceponey
I'm in uk & I wonder why assault rifles are legal in parts of the us. I mean I get hunting & protection but i can't see a reason for anyone having a machine gun. They aren't used to hunt are they? If I'm wrong fair enough, you could fit my knowledge about guns on the back of a postage stamp.
Ksh_667 t1_itre1iz wrote
Reply to comment by HedonisticFrog in Deputy banned from middle school campus after using pepper spray in bathroom by InflationOk300
I guess we're lucky he didn't open up with an ak to clear the bathroom. Tbf it would've done the job.
Ksh_667 t1_itr8wm5 wrote
Reply to comment by edgeplayer in Ex-Capitol Police officer charged with obstruction tells jury he is 'embarrassed' by Facebook chat with Jan. 6 rioter by drakejones99
Was just coming here to say about the video. I'm in uk & I've never been more shocked than when I saw the behaviour of some of the Capitol police that day. Letting ppl thru, encouraging them, beckoning them over tbe barricades or just outright walking away leaving a clear path of ingress. That made my blood run cold & made me really fear for my American pals.
Ksh_667 t1_itr8j1y wrote
Reply to comment by edgeplayer in Ex-Capitol Police officer charged with obstruction tells jury he is 'embarrassed' by Facebook chat with Jan. 6 rioter by drakejones99
Was just coming here to say
Ksh_667 t1_itr821k wrote
Reply to comment by itsajaguar in Ex-Capitol Police officer charged with obstruction tells jury he is 'embarrassed' by Facebook chat with Jan. 6 rioter by drakejones99
>He also later offered him a tour of the capitol.
Glad that never happened....
Ksh_667 t1_j1qndf2 wrote
Reply to comment by Nervous-Ear-8594 in A chance encounter and mother's intuition: How 2 Indy women helped find missing Ohio twin by BurstTheBubbles
Exactly! The police could've seemed more urgent in their responses. I mean to deny that was the woman the whole country was looking for & tell them to take her to a hostel??!! And then to have to be convinced by one of the women showing you her pic on her mobile - "oh yeh that maybe is her..."
And then they drove off with no mention of looking for the baby! To find the bus map & deduce from that the car may be parked at one of the stops on that route. And to check each stop focusing in cars with a good amount of snow on their roof, indicating they'd been there a long time!
These women are sherlock Holmes, miss marple & hercule Poirot rolled into one. I'm hoping to see them on oprah soon :)