
Ksh_667 t1_j1qndf2 wrote

Exactly! The police could've seemed more urgent in their responses. I mean to deny that was the woman the whole country was looking for & tell them to take her to a hostel??!! And then to have to be convinced by one of the women showing you her pic on her mobile - "oh yeh that maybe is her..."

And then they drove off with no mention of looking for the baby! To find the bus map & deduce from that the car may be parked at one of the stops on that route. And to check each stop focusing in cars with a good amount of snow on their roof, indicating they'd been there a long time!

These women are sherlock Holmes, miss marple & hercule Poirot rolled into one. I'm hoping to see them on oprah soon :)


Ksh_667 t1_iyf30q4 wrote

I don't think they did as I read a couple days ago that all the families had been visited & threatened if the players refused to toe the line.

Countries like Iran are always aware of the likelihood of their athletes/ sports ppl requesting asylum abroad whenever international travel is involved & they take steps to deter this :/


Ksh_667 t1_iwehl7j wrote

Thanks I really appreciate this. Yeh I suspected the movies ive seen were not particularly accurate, but I just didn't know enough about any of it to know why. The average English person has no knowledge of guns. Most ppl I know have never seen one, let alone be able to identify say a pistol from a revolver, or a semi from a fully automatic.

Apart from the deafening noise, which would obv preclude all the complex conversations they have in films while mowing down lines of baddies lol, I'd have expected the semi or fully auto weapons to have more of a kick back when fired. Like I'm a 5'4 woman & weigh 90lbs. I'd expect to find myself knocked off my feet if I fired a rifle style gun. Would that be likely or am I over thinking it?


Ksh_667 t1_iwe3rig wrote

Thanks for making this clear. Can I ask if a semi-auto gun can be easily converted to become fully auto? My knowledge is kind of limited to Hollywood films lol & it seems every criminal has access to fully automatic machine guns. I had no idea they were rare. Sorry if this is a naive question.


Ksh_667 t1_iwcb7h4 wrote

I'm in uk & I wonder why assault rifles are legal in parts of the us. I mean I get hunting & protection but i can't see a reason for anyone having a machine gun. They aren't used to hunt are they? If I'm wrong fair enough, you could fit my knowledge about guns on the back of a postage stamp.


Ksh_667 t1_itr8wm5 wrote

Was just coming here to say about the video. I'm in uk & I've never been more shocked than when I saw the behaviour of some of the Capitol police that day. Letting ppl thru, encouraging them, beckoning them over tbe barricades or just outright walking away leaving a clear path of ingress. That made my blood run cold & made me really fear for my American pals.