
KurwuSiteejs t1_ixr174e wrote

Also too much direct heat/flame.

We make smokeries so that the place you burn wood like Alder the smoke has to travel like ~20-50m trough underground pipe to the place where meat in hanged/put on, every northern european man should have one in his yard.





KurwuSiteejs t1_ixr05zz wrote

Living in city will give you cancer faster than eating good tasty smoked meat.

EU cunts tried to ban my country from smoking meat, we declared it national heritage and sent EU to hui, you can buy proper smoked sprats and meat in Baltics on every market. And we take this craft serious only the best wood used to smoke and you can tell by smell and sampling if its proper smoked

I miss smoking meat with dad, the process would take around ~14 hours using the finest dried European Alder wood. mmmmmmmmmm
