Laserdollarz t1_j6o6bdr wrote
Reply to comment by Glystopher in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
I think I paid a little over $200 for a year of coverage for a $2000 bike, with added medical and property insurance. $400 deductible. Bike theft is really really bad in Denver and I'm kind of planning on it getting stolen eventually, unfortunately
Laserdollarz t1_j6nfag5 wrote
Reply to comment by Glystopher in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
I don't have cameras but I have a stepdown powering a motorcycle headlight.
This is my alarm:
I have full coverage insurance for theft/damage/vandalism through Velosurance. They'll cover it if I have it on my bike rack and get rear ended, they'll cover it if I crash it off a cliff. They'll cover it if someone sneaks over and cuts all my wires. Peace of mind for a big purchase/beloved toy.
Laserdollarz t1_j6le9o5 wrote
Reply to comment by Glystopher in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
You can get ebike "dashcams". You can run them off a 12v power supply, or you can hardwire them with a step-down voltage converter.
After that, I recommend a motion detecting alarm system. If I arm it and jiggle the bike, it gives a loud "I know you're there" beep. 5 seconds of jiggling and it lets loose 113db of "leave me alone" klaxon.
Then, insurance. You can insure your bike for whatever you value it at.
Now that you've got all that covered, all you need worry about is everyone operating a vehicle. Ugh.
Laserdollarz t1_j6ldiwh wrote
Reply to comment by throwawaitnine in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
Here in Denver, the ghost bike memorials for fatal bicycle incidents get hit by cars. Nobody even stops. Shit is scary.
Laserdollarz t1_j6ld40f wrote
Reply to comment by frisbeemaniac95 in Walking parrots by FrankieGS
I'm just really surprised this dude lives in California. My money was on Florida
Laserdollarz t1_j5w1qu2 wrote
Reply to Philadelphia juvenile street gang linked to thefts of nearly 100 firearms from Pennsylvania gun stores by TreeMac12
I've never seen someone with a face tattoo wear hijab before.
Laserdollarz t1_j4vxh1d wrote
Reply to comment by BeerNirvana in update on the animal scratching in my ceiling!!!!!!!!! by sandwichpepe
Recycled by the Trash Pandas: How I learned to stop worrying and love the fur
Laserdollarz t1_j1seqe1 wrote
Reply to comment by spunkyenigma in Meet the amateur astronomer who found a lost NASA satellite by jarvedttudd
I feel like NASA called up a retired engineer while he was in the middle of golf or something and he just said "Idfk, have you tried turning it off and back on again?" before hanging up.
Laserdollarz t1_j1sdf7v wrote
Reply to comment by 92894952620273749383 in Meet the amateur astronomer who found a lost NASA satellite by jarvedttudd
The temporary drop in voltage from the solar panels might be enough to turn the satellite off and on again.
Laserdollarz t1_iy5t0h4 wrote
Reply to There are 24 whole hours in the day and yet smoke detector batteries only die between 3am and 5am. by 1upin
Untrue. My smoke detector died at 7am on my day off last week.
Laserdollarz t1_jdj7lpw wrote
Reply to Seen my fair share of street and window cats. Even have my own stoop cat. Never seen a hybrid like this before. by gnartato
Stoop cat is afraid to leave his stoop