
Law_Equivalent t1_izv24ws wrote

From this peer reviewed article it says

"The effects of opium are essentially those of morphine but unexpected toxicities, suck as oesophageal cancer associated with “dross opium” and polyneuropathy due to deliberate addition of arsenic, are problems in some specific regions"

If the effects are the same between two different substances but one has more risks than the other the one with more risks is the harder substance, Therefore opium is harder than "morphine ".

Both dextroamphetamine(an ingredient in Adderall) and meth have the same exact effects but meth is known as a harder drug because of the risks of using it.

Don't believe me? Concordant with the literature obtained with laboratory animals, direct comparisons of the effects of oral methamphetamine and d-amphetamine in HUMANS indicate the drugs produce overlapping effects on measures of cardiovascular activity, mood, and drug discrimination 14,1516 Finally, data from studies comparing the two amphetamines on measures believed to be predictive of abuse potential (i.e., drug discrimination and self-administration) indicate that equivalent doses of the drugs produced similar responses, further indicating that the drugs are equipotent 11,12,13 Recreational methamphetamine use is purportedly used in larger doses via routes of administration that produce a more rapid onset of effects (e.g., intranasal, intravenous, and smoked: [17]). The onset speed of drug-related effects is a critical determinant of the intensity of mood and behavioral effects of a drug 18,19. Thus, it is possible that potential differences between methamphetamine and d-amphetamine may only be detected following a route of administration associated with a faster onset of effects


Law_Equivalent t1_izv08ha wrote

"The resulting product is much more concentrated in psychoactive agents, hence has a stronger effect for a given dose. "

If stronger effect for a given dose determines how "hard" a drug is than LSD would be a harder drug than meth or heroin...

Do you think LSD or Meth is a harder drug?


Ok than why do you keep repeating this nonsense about potency determining how "hard" a drug is?


Law_Equivalent t1_iznqzgz wrote

Morphine was never developed, and it's impossible morphine is "harder" than opium, the reason opium gets you high is because of the morphine naturally in it mainly.

Heroin also has an extremely short half life and turns into morphine in the body extremely fast, so I wouldn't characterize it as harder than morphine either.


Law_Equivalent t1_itpgjl4 wrote

Material well being steadily increases happiness to 100k approximately, knowing you could get fired and still have enough savings etc. to keep your lifestyle up for a long time is very securing and not having to worry about bills etc. Can be a big relief. And if you are paycheck to paycheck you might not even have time/ energy or a good enough job to be able to hang out with friends.

Without any material you're out sleeping on the street without any belongings or possession and have to ride the bus everywhere.

And if you're introverted you dont really need friends or socializing regularly to maintain your energy.

When i didnt have any good job or career i just felt internally and viewed myself as not as good as other people, i viewed others that did on a higher level and felt like tgere was something wrong with me and didn't even want to get a relationship or hangout with friends because i just felt sham