
LegalManufacturer916 t1_j43lxrs wrote

There’s a lot of money that he claimed to loan the campaign himself, that must have come from an outside source (since his high-paying jobs were BS). I think there’s a good chance he broke campaign financing laws there. I think a few members of the GOP know it and they’re trying to distance themselves from him.


LegalManufacturer916 t1_j0vjw08 wrote

I commute on the L every day and I always think about how many cars it would take to move that many people. 1,000 people per train, one train every 5 minutes… the bridges are already gridlocked. Yet, out where I live in Queens there are all these “car people” who believe we need to let the MTA wither and instead build more parking spaces. Man, I think they’re bonkers. This city became prosperous because we invested in the subway, and if we want it to stay prosperous, we’re going to have to continue that investment, year after year.


LegalManufacturer916 t1_ixbds52 wrote

I don’t know what your skill set is, but my advice is go to Dallas, make the best of it, pad your resume for 6-8 months, and start looking for jobs in NYC again. When you get back here, you’ll feel like you didn’t miss a beat. The city is always changing, but it’s always the same.