
Lego105 t1_iw1pa5h wrote

That’s true, but there were Roman “kings” of England before him, even if they weren’t technically kings by title. Depends on your perspective. It’s complicated to discuss ancient titles that didn’t really have set boundaries the same way modern titles do, even Aelfred wasn’t necessarily king of England in the sense we’d consider it now, and there’s a lot of minutia about whether he even technically ruled the lands he claimed by his title.


Lego105 t1_ivi6fsv wrote

I don’t litter because it has tangible consequences, it causes disease to spread and it can kill animals directly as a result of my actions. That is true regardless of whether those around me litter or not.

You don’t need a phone to participate in society, that’s an excuse and you know it. If you believe an excuse so pathetic excuses the death, labour and human rights abuses in third world countries used to make your phone you’re more deluded than I thought. You use a phone because it’s convenient, it provides you with a better standard of living at the cost of someone’s human rights being abused to bring it to you directly. You have as much choice on having a phone as you do watching the World Cup. If right and wrong truly mattered to you, you wouldn’t have a phone which brings about much more tangible consequences than watching or not watching the World Cup ever would. Like I said, right and wrong doesn’t come into it.


Lego105 t1_ivi4mdy wrote

What exactly is the purpose of a boycott if not to have an effect on the thing being boycott? Which you can’t do when you are being outcompeted but an unfathomable amount of people.

If it was all about doing the right thing and that human rights and deaths over slave Labour couldn’t be abided by no matter what, you wouldn’t have a phone or computer to use Reddit with made by the same type of impoverished workers who die in the conditions they work in to make them in the same sort of horrific political systems and countries, same with literally anything made from metal, rubber and any number of natural resources. But you don’t boycott them, because it isn’t about that is it?


Lego105 t1_ivi24wg wrote

You the individual and us the collective aren’t going to affect anything watched by half the globe, whether you or anyone here supports it or not is irrelevant to them. This isn’t even something the entirety of Europe and the USA audiences could have a major effect on, which realistically are the only two places that give a shit.

In a situation like this where you are completely powerless, you might as well choose the option which benefits you the most rather than having grandeur fantasies about having an effect on the world.


Lego105 t1_ivi0zmr wrote

They aren’t exactly a shoe in, they’ve got a completely different team since four years ago and not necessarily one with a lot of chemistry. Look at how they did in the Nations League and the Euros. It isn’t as simple as players who are good in their club setup equalling a winning national team.