LittleBullBoy t1_jackvp1 wrote
Reply to Jackie Chan's last good movie? by Ebbemonster
Rumble In The Bronx is my favourite. Mainly because the stunts impress me the most.
LittleBullBoy t1_j68o9r9 wrote
Reply to Adam Sandler Movies by TomDuBois2002
Happy Gilmore and Uncut Gems are the 2 best ones imo
LittleBullBoy t1_j5bxumr wrote
Reply to comment by HagbardCelineHere in Looking for movies with a dramatically different director’s cut by pornthrowaway1421
Better than Gladiator? Alien? Black Hawk Down? Bladerunner? Body of Lies?
This is a bold claim.
LittleBullBoy t1_j5bp1b9 wrote
Reply to comment by ImpactNext1283 in Looking for movies with a dramatically different director’s cut by pornthrowaway1421
I’ve only ever seen the Theatrical Cut, but remember really hating it honestly.
LittleBullBoy OP t1_j2bhb6l wrote
Reply to comment by libertyordeaaathh in Most everyone knows how to lose weight and be healthy, but it’s having the willpower to stick with it that is difficult. by LittleBullBoy
You haven’t contradicted my post, but ok.
LittleBullBoy t1_j1vefai wrote
Reply to comment by lollersauce914 in Health industries like weight loss and mental health are financially incentivized to not be effective, thus creating lifelong customers by shall_always_be_so
People will purchase products that are temporarily effective though. They don’t have the foresight to choose based on long term outcomes vs near term.
LittleBullBoy t1_j1lupx9 wrote
Reply to Schindler’s List, a Must Watch by SeriousFox96
The scene in the basement with Ralph Fiennes… so disturbing.
This movie is Spielberg’s best.
LittleBullBoy t1_j1ktrum wrote
Reply to comment by DkindCrhymes in Vegans shouldn't drive because gasoline comes from dinosaurs by Mr-Bones-6150
If only I was willing to waste my time “researching” fossil fuels and the Mesozoic era to then anoint myself an expert in the field that’s do ‘doing my own research’. If only I was arrogant to think that these are such simple questions.
At what depths, and locations, are all types of fossil fuels found around the world?
What are all the locations and depths of dinosaur life that died ?
Calculate probability that, on some reasonable level, these remains formed hydrocarbon materials potentially used as fuel?
Super simple.
LittleBullBoy t1_j1k6p5q wrote
Reply to comment by AxialGem in Vegans shouldn't drive because gasoline comes from dinosaurs by Mr-Bones-6150
I think what you’ve written makes sense.
I don’t know enough about different types of fossil fuels, where they are all found, and how it relates to dead things from the Mesozoic era to contest anything you’ve claimed.
LittleBullBoy t1_j1ju7ma wrote
Reply to comment by AxialGem in Vegans shouldn't drive because gasoline comes from dinosaurs by Mr-Bones-6150
Fossil fuels still come from the remains of mostly dead plants and some animals, so I’m sure dinosaurs are involved in some fashion.
LittleBullBoy t1_iyewm9q wrote
Reply to comment by Low-Cantaloupe9426 in What is a movie that you love that you think everyone else, quite justifiably, hates? by Nossirom
Not only that, it makes PERFECT sense through a comedic viewpoint. I’m not saying this is one of those “so bad it’s good” kind of comedies. I’m saying this was written as a comedy intentionally.
When mark whalberg grabs the wine glass, only to discover it is fake… he then plays with the glass for the rest of the scene, clearly under the realization that it is fake, but just before the scene ends, he goes in for a sniff, just to make sure. Lmao
LittleBullBoy t1_iycgp6x wrote
Reply to What is a movie that you love that you think everyone else, quite justifiably, hates? by Nossirom
The Happening.
I 100% believe it to be one of the most brilliant intentional comedies of all time. The twist is that this movie has hidden a deadpan comedy in plain sight, under the guise of being a thriller/horror. I’m not saying “this is so bad it’s good” either. I’m saying it is actually good and was meant to be a comedy.
I cannot recommend it though, purely because I know just how hated it is. If viewed strictly as a thriller/horror it all of a sudden becomes one of the worst train wrecks of a movie you’ll ever watch. I’ve probably seen it 20 times and laughed just as hard each and every time.
I also know that the few people I know who’ve watched it recently through the lens of a dark comedy, have agreed with me that it is actually genius comedic writing.
LittleBullBoy t1_iycg4yx wrote
Reply to Good good influenced by bad boy films? by jaymia__
True Romance
Natural Born Killers
Requiem for a Dream
These aren’t perfect fits, but they’re all dark dramas that involve a woman going through what you described.
LittleBullBoy t1_iybq1cq wrote
Reply to Just finished “The Notebook” by Walmartmaster
Ryan Gosling in The Notebook is to young women, what Patricia Arquette is to young men in True Romance.
Two fictional beings that the opposite sex can only dream of finding in the real world.
LittleBullBoy t1_jdomg8z wrote
Reply to What are some movies with a consistent tune? by baklavabaddie
True Romance and Badlands have a great little steel drum tune all throughout