
LongjumpingArgument5 t1_j0w7oa0 wrote

Are you the kind of person who when reads an opinion article that makes the following statement

"There is water vapor in our atmosphere, it makes the sky blue, I like the way the sky looks when it's blue but also sometimes with a change"

And then they come to the conclusion that because it's an opinion article that the whole article is invalid so clearly water vapor is not in our atmosphere making the sky blue.

You dismiss it outright because of the form it takes.

I know it's hard to understand but you have to refute the message not the form that it comes in.


LongjumpingArgument5 t1_j0vxcr6 wrote

>I'd be careful forming a strong belief based purely on what one "sees".

I suppose I could form strong beliefs like Republicans do, based on what Fox News says. I mean why trust my eyes when I could just trust talking heads. Remember, critical thinking is a tool of the left, you should skip it unless you want to be woke. There is no room for thought on the right.

Facts slide off Republicans like Teflon.

"Omg that's a cartoon, there is no possible way that cartoons can contain truth, I should just reject it outright, especially because it doesn't conform to my twisted perspective of the world". - you presumably


LongjumpingArgument5 t1_j0vmcn0 wrote

Generally The Simpsons tends to be a reflection of the current society. I think it shows that Republicans have been evil for well over a quarter century.
The Republican goal is to make sure rich people get richer and poor people stay poor. You can see it in the few times they actually try to submit a bill to Congress. They are Patriots in the same way that they are pro-life, only when it supports their end goals. But the reality is they believe in neither of those things. All you have to do is look instead of burying your head in the sand and saying "go team". What bills have Republicans put forward in the last 6 years?


LongjumpingArgument5 t1_j0v1mzd wrote

Even the Simpsons pointed out that Republicans are evil back in 1994.


They're only goal is to gaslight obstruct and project. They have no ideas on how to move forward at all. They create no real bills and do not even attempt to pass laws. All they want to do is put on a circus to pander to their flock of sheep.

Why bother passing laws when all you have to do is "own the libs" and your people will vote for you because they love a three-ring circus