
LowkeyPony t1_jbr6897 wrote

You "might" still be able to find something outside of 495. Maybe. Hell. there's not much for under 350k where I am in Fitchburg. And people will tell you it's not the place to be raising a family. (Even though we did and had no issues.) The surrounding towns/cities are even more expensive. And down around my home town on the South Shore, closer to Boston? HA! Forget about it unless you have 700k


LowkeyPony t1_jbbs45y wrote

I live in Fitchburg and we have a lot of multi fam houses, and we have the LARGE wheeled carts for recycling. They pick up regular trash on a weekly basis, and recycling ever other week. Different parts of the city get picked up on different days. For instance my neighborhood is a blue pick up day. So every second week the recycling bin is along side the trash bin. The city has an ordinance that trash/recycling bins not be left curbside all the time. Usually on the more crowded streets, with less room, the occupants move the bins closer to the buildings so the trash/recycling isn't out by the street all week.

There are NO issue with walking on the sidewalks, parking etc with these bins. I have 1 multi fam on my street and they manage the bins just as well as those of us in single fam houses do. I drive down a street that is all multi fams with no off street parking and they manage the bins there as well. People just move the bins to where there are no cars parked. It's damn amazing!!!

Hell. My house is on a sidewalk side. My bins go out the night before pick up, even when there's a snow bank. The truck has no issues getting the bins. And people still have room to walk by on the sidewalk. On the occasion when we, or a neighbor has had a contractor parked in front on a pick up day, we just move the bins down a few feet. The wheels? They make it SO easy.

Also. Since getting the large bins there has been a noticeable reduction in racoons, opossums, and loose litter on the streets in my neighborhood. And I know this as fact since my husband, our neighbors, and myself walk the neighborhood and clean up what litter there is. Sure. A windy as hell day is a bit of a pain in the ass. But even with the smaller bins, like my hometown has. There's still litter. The only issues we now have is from the university students dumping their fast food bags outside of their cars when they park on the side streets.

If you're that concerned with loose papers, plastic bags flying around, and trash on the street get off the computer. Grab a fucking trash bag, and go pick it up. But I can tell you, from actual experience, you are incredibly incorrect in your bull shit complaint


LowkeyPony t1_j9uhjto wrote

Couple of years ago I bought a large push broom that is used for the sole purpose of cleaning off the tops of our vehicles. Works just as well on the Dodge SUV as it does on the Subaru. People are lazy af


LowkeyPony t1_j9lrm2v wrote

Honestly it depends on where you are looking to work.

I worked for a health insurance company in Central MA and there's no way "hair of an un natural color" would have gotten you a job. And would have gotten you fired had you done it after hiring. But I worked for another company is Worcester county that had no issues with dyed hair, tattoos, piercing's etc. Granted that company also has a VERY high turnover rate and lays off a majority of their cs and sales reps every fall right before Thanksgiving, and then has a Hiring Event every spring. Retail? No problem. Restaurants? No problem. Professional offices. Problem. Heck. I know some horse stables that will not hire people with dyed hair, tattoos, or piercing's.


LowkeyPony t1_j97fh14 wrote

Yeah, state is usually much longer than Fed for us. But nothing can beat this years Fed turn around of TWO FREAKING DAYS. And again, not one of those "loans" that many of the tax preparers use to get people in the door


LowkeyPony t1_j92xp7n wrote

MA State taxes always take longer than Fed.

I filed both Fed and MA Feb 14th. Got Fed back on the 16th. Which is abnormally fast and was not a "Loan" type of thing. MA State I am not expecting for another couple of weeks. Which is ok since that traditionally goes to the electric bill for us.


LowkeyPony t1_j92dnn9 wrote


LowkeyPony t1_j8x977r wrote

Reply to comment by user72230 in Daycare prices by PrincipleLarge2118

It's why I left my job when my kid was born 20 years ago. Also another reason why I only have an only.

And I'm pretty sure my sister and BIL have 3 kids because our mother retired early and took care of all three kids free of charge. If they had had to actually pay for child care, they would have stopped at one.


LowkeyPony t1_j8evyh1 wrote

Not in Worcester, but a bit north. We lost electricity when a huge tree at the corner park went down and took the lines with it. But were only without electric for about a day. Street behind ours was without electric for about two weeks. I was keeping my horse at a place that the owner of the property lived there, which was good since the streets were impassable for several days due to downed trees and power lines. A large limb from the property behind ours fell and crushed our chicken coop, leaving a gaping hole in it. So I had to bring the hens into the mudroom for a day or two while we cut the branch up and repaired the coop.


LowkeyPony t1_j7wr22s wrote

Put together a resume'. There have been several restaurant openings lately in the area. One in Lunenburg on Rte 2A at the old Bootlegger. Family owned Italian place. Plus a Mex place on Main, and a steak place(El Toro) on the other end of the city. Not sure if any of them are looking for a bar tender though.

As far as apartments go. They are not cheap. Even here in the 'Burg. Kinda crazy pricing.