
MacAttack2015 t1_iuj7f6d wrote

My husband and I would like to move at some point. I grew up near KC and our shared friend circle is still mostly there, so that’s the most realistic option. I prefer denser cities because it’s easier to live life without a car, but our three-year stunt in Chicago made it really evident that we wouldn’t hit some life goals on our income (home ownership being the principal one) if we stayed in a more expensive place long-term. I think we may more seriously consider the UK or Europe once our parents pass on, but that’s a ways down the road in all likelihood.

Springfield is a nice enough place. We are gay, and it can be hard to see the good in a place where closed-mindedness is more common than in a place like Chicago. It sucks that we don’t feel comfortable holding hands while walking downtown. That’s honestly one of the biggest motivators for us.


MacAttack2015 t1_is5fx9f wrote

As a planner working for the City, I definitely understand how lofty (and unrealistic) of a goal it is. Doesn't change the fact that it's the right thing to do for the future of our community. I do not see City Council or City management ever taking such a progressive stance, however. Money talks.