MaineJackalope t1_j8ep1io wrote
Reply to comment by Chessie-System in Electric boats are coming. Will Maine have mechanics to service them? A regional nonprofit has partnered with educators on a three-part training course to help prepare technicians to work on electric boats. by silence7
Next they'll be slapping Magnusson sails on the roof too
MaineJackalope t1_j73tsnf wrote
Reply to comment by damariscove in So, naive question but, how do we go about politically motivating housing costs? by [deleted]
This has potential. Millions of Americans can't afford houses right now and if you can 3d print one with lessan hours needed and using wood residuals rather than premo lumber than I bet this could be done much cheaper than a typical house build
MaineJackalope t1_j6yy0jw wrote
Reply to comment by freeski919 in So, naive question but, how do we go about politically motivating housing costs? by [deleted]
I'm hoping the 3d printed neighborhood Penquis and UMaine will be working on catches on and spreads like wildfire through the state
MaineJackalope t1_j6ysp6y wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 20 yr old male without a home by garrettofdoom
Benefit of the doubt on the person who didn't get kicked out of their housing arrangement and is apparently aimless on how to get housing again.
MaineJackalope t1_j6yrpag wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 20 yr old male without a home by garrettofdoom
Both people here are humans, and if one of them is on the dysfunctional side that relationship can go sour quick
MaineJackalope OP t1_j5qvt82 wrote
Reply to comment by tab9 in I made a map of Bangor and Brewer circa 2053 for a Cyberpunk Red game I'll be running soon, and just went slightly overboard with it by MaineJackalope
No charge for that
MaineJackalope OP t1_j5qut76 wrote
Reply to comment by tab9 in I made a map of Bangor and Brewer circa 2053 for a Cyberpunk Red game I'll be running soon, and just went slightly overboard with it by MaineJackalope
Can't spoil everything, I would love you to make it. Murph-Z will be in it though
MaineJackalope OP t1_j5qu0o0 wrote
Reply to comment by tab9 in I made a map of Bangor and Brewer circa 2053 for a Cyberpunk Red game I'll be running soon, and just went slightly overboard with it by MaineJackalope
History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes
MaineJackalope OP t1_j5qsooq wrote
Reply to comment by CobaltAzurean in I made a map of Bangor and Brewer circa 2053 for a Cyberpunk Red game I'll be running soon, and just went slightly overboard with it by MaineJackalope
In Bangor every 4th Sunday starting in February if you're interested
MaineJackalope OP t1_j5qsat6 wrote
Reply to comment by CobaltAzurean in I made a map of Bangor and Brewer circa 2053 for a Cyberpunk Red game I'll be running soon, and just went slightly overboard with it by MaineJackalope
I 3d print minis for my games too
MaineJackalope OP t1_j5pteo0 wrote
Reply to comment by yahwehsruse82 in I made a map of Bangor and Brewer circa 2053 for a Cyberpunk Red game I'll be running soon, and just went slightly overboard with it by MaineJackalope
Oh yes, and if you don't mind 20€ coffee you can even go to see him at the three story Cafe they built around him on the Hollywood Strip
MaineJackalope OP t1_j5psedr wrote
Reply to comment by ArcaneSiggle in I made a map of Bangor and Brewer circa 2053 for a Cyberpunk Red game I'll be running soon, and just went slightly overboard with it by MaineJackalope
That would be Conflagration, Bangor 2053's red light district which will feature a "sky blue house of pleasure" as the head quarters of whoever I decide to put there, I'm thinking a trim lumberjack built man who dresses in flooring silks and carries himself like a brothel mistress.
MaineJackalope OP t1_j5pos0u wrote
Reply to comment by KaoVamp in I made a map of Bangor and Brewer circa 2053 for a Cyberpunk Red game I'll be running soon, and just went slightly overboard with it by MaineJackalope
It's an open to the public premium game I'll be running once a month on a Sunday in Bangor if you're interested.
$5 a person plus you have to buy food from the venue, Paddy Murphy's
MaineJackalope OP t1_j5po7nb wrote
Reply to comment by Laeek in I made a map of Bangor and Brewer circa 2053 for a Cyberpunk Red game I'll be running soon, and just went slightly overboard with it by MaineJackalope
Nope, gotta account for a alternate history timeline plus another 30 years of development
MaineJackalope OP t1_j5o5p28 wrote
Reply to comment by Laeek in I made a map of Bangor and Brewer circa 2053 for a Cyberpunk Red game I'll be running soon, and just went slightly overboard with it by MaineJackalope
A Korean heavy neighborhood but wanted something more original than "Little Korea". Dirigo is the Maine State motto.
MaineJackalope OP t1_j5nwno5 wrote
Reply to comment by LeisureSuitLawrence in I made a map of Bangor and Brewer circa 2053 for a Cyberpunk Red game I'll be running soon, and just went slightly overboard with it by MaineJackalope
That was the first comment I got when I showed it to friends, lol. What do you think of the rest of it?
MaineJackalope t1_j569qos wrote
Reply to Meet "Tony", named one of the "ugliest" statues in Maine by by benpinette
I like him
MaineJackalope t1_j2obbmt wrote
Reply to comment by of_patrol_bot in Smithfield man dies when UTV breaks through ice at North Pond - Lewis… by yzfmike
Fack off, bot
MaineJackalope t1_j1vic0i wrote
Reply to comment by Antnee83 in Large deposit of rare elements and minerals discovered in northern Maine by CptnAlex
My point is more that I'm holding onto shit for a long time, I actively minimize my e-waste, including repairing my own electronics whenever is possible. The phone I had before this one I kept for 5 years and did a battery replacement on myself, I use computer monitors that were originally bound for an e-waste center. My TV was a broken find that I managed to replace the power supply in and now it works a charm.
Because yes tech stuff eats up rare earth metals like nobody's business, and it's hard to go without them in this day and age, but my reducing my e-waste I'm also reducing my demand for more, doing a small part to make running environmentally and often ethically dangerous mines in less demand also.
I'm all for putting renewable energy production and other infrastructure projects around if it benefits the local population, but Mainers would not see the wealth of the mines and still deal with the inevitable environmental impact of them.
MaineJackalope t1_j1vfz9a wrote
Reply to comment by Antnee83 in Large deposit of rare elements and minerals discovered in northern Maine by CptnAlex
I'll say no not here then, from my 3 year old UMIDIGI Bison that I've kept using despite cracking the tough phone's screen two years ago
MaineJackalope t1_j15kxrx wrote
Reply to My turn! by weakenedstrain
huh, I got messaged by them and was asked where to visit, I gave some suggestions and that was basically it, wonder what the scam was supposed to be
MaineJackalope t1_j0hoiqa wrote
Reply to comment by yupuhoh in Maine Will Have a New Minimum Wage Beginning on January 1st by Shake-Spear4666
I just checked Craigslist for the Bangor area. The cheapest efficiency is $675 a month and there is only 1, every thing else is a couple hundred more minimum, and if the person has kids there's no way to try and support them too without government aid. At which point the government is just subsidizing businesses who don't want to pay a living wage
MaineJackalope t1_j9tjken wrote
Reply to Tried to post in oddly terrifying first. This thing scares me when I drive by it. by redfancydress
So, I briefly worked across the road at Hollywood Casino at the command center and we have limited view from the surveillance cameras (surveillance is a separate gestapo unit) and sometimes on a slow night surveillance will wait til you're not looking at your monitors and set every one of them to be a close up of Paul Bunyan's face from one of the parking garage cameras