
Major_Bother8416 t1_ja02hl6 wrote

That’s absurd. There’s no baptism fee. And if there is, you should leave that church.

The reason they require a class is because most people don’t understand the theology behind baptism. Many people want to dunk their children because they think it’s hell insurance. As long as I make sure my baby is baptized, I’m covered, even though I have no intention of raising them in the faith. What church should condone that?

And yes, they keep paperwork. You get a baptism certificate and the church keeps records because that community of faith is promising to help raise the child. Those records get used by historians hundreds of years later sometimes.

I’m not saying there aren’t churches that operate like businesses. And there have certainly been con-artist pastors, but it’s not fair to assume most churches are making people jump through hoops for no reason.


Major_Bother8416 t1_j9ur7za wrote

They need a better system for changing and disposing of litter. Cat litter can get very expensive if we’re talking about multiple cats. People don’t like to dump it all out every day because of the expense but they need to be doing that. Maybe offer to donate litter if this is the issue? Or heavy trash bags if it’s the trash that stinks?

They also need to make sure all of the cats are spayed and neutered. Unneutered males stink to high heaven.


Major_Bother8416 t1_iz4b33m wrote

Sounds like you didn’t even get your full 30 days. Welcome to the neighborhood!

There’s nothing in the ordinance that gives someone permission to remove a cover from your car. You could definitely make a trespassing case. There’s no way for them to tell from the street if the car has been inspected or registered, and if it’s not in disrepair, then it’s only in violation until you inspect and register it.

They say covering the car is not sufficient screening. They don’t say you can’t cover an unscreened car.

I get not pissing your landlord off, and you should probably just deal with it, but if I owned the place, I’d be making passive aggressive yard signs.