Maker623 t1_isqhgo8 wrote
Reply to comment by ephemerios in /r/philosophy Open Discussion Thread | October 17, 2022 by BernardJOrtcutt
I'm quite confused by your intentions, as you seem to be ranting against the article, but only provided 1 instance on your position about Postmodernism, which is what my entire post is about?
{Consistent with postmodern doctrine is the belief that institutions, such as science and language, are oppressive institutes of control.}"Who actually claims this and what is their actual argument here? And more importantly, what is the context of this argument? This is an often repeated claim that isn’t entirely wrong, but I worry that it has taken on a life on its own, i.e. separated from actual postmodernist thought."
Im guessing you downvoted this also because you don't like the source?
Here's Britannica-
"Postmodernists deny this Enlightenment faith in science and technology as instruments of human progress. Indeed, many postmodernists hold that the misguided (or unguided) pursuit of scientific and technological knowledge led to the development of technologies for killing on a massive scale in World War II. Some go so far as to say that science and technology—and even reason and logic—are inherently destructive and oppressive, because they have been used by evil people, especially during the 20th century, to destroy and oppress others."
Here's The Postil Magazine-
"To the Postmodernist, classical accounts of truth–like that of Plato’s–which use language via propositional logic, or other bodies of knowledge which rely on the experiential, reason, or narrative cannot tell us anything about the world, due to their use of language. The strong Postmodernist must therefore reject science, history, and philosophy, as they attempt to rationalize the world using language."
Here's Why Evolution Is True-
"Empirical evidence is suspect and so are any culturally dominant ideas including science, reason, and universal liberalism. These are Enlightenment values which are naïve, totalizing and oppressive, and there is a moral necessity to smash them."
3 more sources that provide a similar statement to "science and language are oppressive instituts of control". And the point of this argument, at least mine, is to prove how Postmodernism is one of the stupidest, incoherent, illogical, dumbfounded, illiterate, collection of jumbled words and jargon ever put on paper, let alone be spoken out of someone's mouth. While it sounds harsh, I still hold that there are some good takeaways from the theory itself. Especially when it comes to critical thinking, and bringing to light what truly cannot be known.
I encourage you to look at the beliefs of postmodernism, especially on Britannica, as they number the beliefs and explain them. I also would like to know your position on Postmodernism. And I also do not have any comment on Karl Marx, the Enlightenment period, how Postmodernism began, World War 2 technology, or anything other than Does Postmodernism make sense? Provide your explanation" I have already posted my answer, twice.
Maker623 t1_isq12q1 wrote
Reply to comment by captain_lampshade in /r/philosophy Open Discussion Thread | October 17, 2022 by BernardJOrtcutt
Something: *exists*
Philosophers: "hmmmm?"
Have you seen that meme, lol
Maker623 t1_isq03hd wrote
Reply to comment by Lumpy-Passenger-1986 in /r/philosophy Open Discussion Thread | October 17, 2022 by BernardJOrtcutt
"If you don’t believe there is a higher power, than maybe there is no truth." But then you'd be saying the truth is that there is no truth. I agree that no one can know for sure all aspects of THE TRUTH, I think it's just easier to focus on objective reality, like the exuberant list I mentioned in my post (trees, heat, stars, etc). Imagine society if everyone had different interpretations of everything in existence.... We'd all be dead tomorrow "nuclEar exploSions will give Us iMMortaLity!"
Maker623 t1_ispylyj wrote
Reply to comment by Lumpy-Passenger-1986 in /r/philosophy Open Discussion Thread | October 17, 2022 by BernardJOrtcutt
True. Either man decides what's right and wrong, or someone/thing else does. If man decides what's right and wrong, then "You say theft is wrong? Well I say it's right... were both men, so now what?" Sure, the collection of all humans can come up with moral codes, but does that really PROVE that things like murder are wrong? All I see are a bunch of people sharing an idea.... (this probably ties into the idea that truth {objective reality} is dictated and spoken into existence by man himself)
Anyways, great post, and this question will probably never be answered, unless we can know that a supreme being exists or not, and we don't even know if aliens exist yet...
Personally, I think there is something in everyone that really does judge their own morality, and everyone knows what is true right and wrong (like charity giving/murder). I also personally believe that someone like the Las Vegas shooter, or the WW2 bad guy deserves no excuse, and no remorse. It's one thing to be misguided or taught something wrong, it's another to defile your conscious and ignore your own judgement repeatedly.
Maker623 t1_ispud31 wrote
My Claim: Postmodernism is a flawed ideology that not only defies logic itself, but contradicts its own position...
The following quote is from the link. It is a pillar of the belief system that postmodernists hold.
"Postmodernists contend that there is no objective truth, rather truth is constructed by society. All ideas of morality are not real, but constructed. Consistent with postmodern doctrine is the belief that institutions, such as science and language, are oppressive institutes of control."
The problem is how people of past and present believe postmodernism to be true. To prove it is not and support My Claim above, one only has to read Postmodernist claims, and think for about 5 seconds. Thus, one learns that any claim made by postmodernism contradicts itself, as it is saying its own statements are true, while arguing that truth does not exist. A rebuttal would be "no it's to say relative truth exists, just not absolute" This rebuttal fails, because you just said an absolute truthful claim of "only relative truth exists" which postmodernism supports....but then.... proves incorrect......
It defies logic itself because anyone who is competent understands what color, laws, language, names, height, math, heat, brightness, emotion, history, smell, mechanics, physics, stars, etc are, and by doing so they understand that either these things must exist in the same state for everyone alive, or our entire idea of reality itself and the physical realm is wrong. The latter being true makes as much sense as saying "Tomorrow I will wake up and have superpowers. The next day, I will be able to go 2 months without sleep." In fact, a postmodernist may argue that such statement may be correct, because his truth is relative. People that have such beliefs are defined as crazy by society, and rightly so.
There are some things found in Postmodernism that is worth thinking about and is actually educational. However, the overall idea that absolute truth does not exist, morality is subjective (seemingly arguing that the world war 2 bad guy could have been vindicated?), and that objective reality doesn't exist, is not only dangerous and childish, but outright scary as this is an idea spreading centuries, with college professors having taught and still teaching their students such stupidity. In conclusion, if somehow the belief that truth does not exist is true, then we truly live in an upside down world, and I will gladly be flying like Superman tomorrow.
Maker623 t1_isqjvr4 wrote
Reply to comment by Lumpy-Passenger-1986 in /r/philosophy Open Discussion Thread | October 17, 2022 by BernardJOrtcutt
"I guess that because the idea of truth can be subjective, anything or nothing could be any truth of any kind depending on your point of view."
I know some people think this way, but truly if society functioned on these beliefs, then everything we know would cease to operate. Courtrooms, marriages, nuclear power plants, you know.
"here's a video, photo, dna test, and witnesses all proving you committed the crime"
"all wrong"
"and your evidence to prove this?"
"it's my truth, and mine is just as valid as yours..."
"wow! well then, have a nice day! :) "
Or the classic :
"I'm a 9ft tall, 300 year old Martian from Uranus!"
"umm no, you're Bob. We've been friends for years"
"My truth is just as valid as yours >:( "
"oh, well hi Martian!"
What's your belief on Postmodernism, do you support it fully, partially, or reject?