MandalorianAhazi t1_j168fw0 wrote
Reply to comment by diddyzig in Leak Inspection Finds Hole in Russian Spacecraft Docked to ISS by darthatheos
I’d be terrified to be anywhere in space around Earth. Can you imagine a random piece of wired or whatever absolutely shredding your body
MandalorianAhazi t1_iqqunbv wrote
Look at all those uneaten tide pods 🤤
MandalorianAhazi t1_j3p0uq1 wrote
Reply to BIFL suggestions for cookware? I already have a cast iron skillet. by TrialByFireAnts
I bought a enamel coated cast iron Wolfgang Puck Dutch oven over 10 years ago. I treated it like shit and used it to cook like every meal. It’s still going strong albeit the blue has faded. And I cook a ton
Every single non stick pan I bought has been trashed within a couple years. I hate them and I’ve not found one that works well