ManifestDestinysChld t1_ivqludj wrote
Reply to comment by wkomorow in Why did Great Barrington vote so staunchly for No on 2? by nrvs_hbt
I live in GB. The AIER has not placarded the town pushing a radical pro-dentist agenda.
There are others - more professional lawn signs - that say things like "Our water looks and smells like shit." And it's true!
ManifestDestinysChld t1_itmukzx wrote
Reply to comment by MrMcSwifty in Emergency light laws by redditspacer
"Someone came up behind me clearly in some sort of emergency, but I didn't let them pass because their blinking lights were the wrong color" would definitely be peak Masshole decision making.
ManifestDestinysChld t1_isp9vcf wrote
The answer is the Berkshires. Take the train to Pittsfield. You can walk from the station to Hotel on North. (That said, you really want a car to do a Berkshires visit. The food is so worth it.)
ManifestDestinysChld t1_irrwi7j wrote
Reply to Thanksgiving questions from a foreigner by obcork
Don't forget to give thanks for the opportunity to rid the world of another turkey. Turkeys are awful animals; deliciousness is their only redeeming quality.
As other have said, you can get a perfectly fine bird at the grocery store. Give it enough time to thaw.
My aunt used to get up at like 4 in the morning to put the turkey in the oven for like 9 hours. This is an abomination against cooking and renders the bird as dry as the Gobi desert.
Other top Thanksgiving tips:
- Potatoes: Mashed
- Stuffing: Yes. (Corn bread stuffing is simple and delicious if you need to make from scratch in order to satisfy disapproving in-laws. Otherwise, you can't go wrong with Stove-Top.)
- Gravy: Extra fat means extra flavor!
It's well past time for Thanksgiving to finally cast off its eurocentric, colonial historical roots and embrace its true destiny as an exclusively food-based holiday. We should be thankful for putting turkeys to their best, last use, and that's IT.
ManifestDestinysChld t1_irc9biy wrote
Reply to comment by jjnefx in Just finished a week vacation in the Berkshires, thank you Massachusetts! People were great and we had a wonderful time! by jjnefx
None taken. There are many reasons why I live here, that's just one of them, lol.
ManifestDestinysChld t1_irar7zf wrote
Reply to Just finished a week vacation in the Berkshires, thank you Massachusetts! People were great and we had a wonderful time! by jjnefx
You picked a great time to visit!
ManifestDestinysChld t1_ivr521k wrote
Reply to comment by dlovestoski in Why did Great Barrington vote so staunchly for No on 2? by nrvs_hbt
I like ride my motorcycle through the AIER campus and rev it really obnoxiously loud.
(Sorry to your gf.)