
MastiffMike t1_je4fuds wrote

Reply to FIIO FT3 by androidbrick

I like FiiO stuff, so I'm interested.

I'm really looking forward to more info (price, FR, tonality, reviews, etc.) becoming available.


MastiffMike t1_jdpkn55 wrote

I own that same exact caliper ($9.99 from Bezos)!

I bought it solely to be able to measure IEMs so that I could have reference numbers to what dimensions do/don't work for me and to (more) accurately compare the fit and sizes of IEMs.

I do really appreciate the heads-up about them showing images with nozzle diameters! That's going to be very helpful!


MastiffMike t1_jdnz4hg wrote

I've started making nozzle diameter a consideration when buying IEMs. Unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers don't include it in the posted specs, so it can take some effort to find it. As for body shape/size, that can usually be guesstimated when watching reviews. But in my case, to make things trickier, it seems that nozzle angle and length can have a huge impact on my comfort and that's really hard to determine without trying the IEMs on.

For instance, two of my favorite inexpensive IEMs (Mele and FiiO FH1) have wider nozzles than ideal (5.8mm & 6.0mm), but the body shapes and nozzle angle are such a great fit for me that overall I find them very darn comfortable. (not quite IE300 comfortable, but those things are uber tiny).

The upside to all this is I only own 30 IEMs whereas if I could comfortably wear more sets I'd probably have triple that, so it's saving me money! The downside of course is I own 20+ IEMs that I pretty much never use.


MastiffMike t1_j69mg66 wrote

Reply to comment by TRX808 in It arrived!! by dadu1234

I have blue/red rings and use them to color code all my IEMs (because I'm lazy and can't be bothered to spend time determining which side goes into which ear).

I've never specifically used them to change the tuning, but I have done it to help with insertion depth (the ring keeps the tip from being pushed further on the nozzle, thus the tip seats further into the ear).

With a lot of my IEMs I put the rings such that they don't effect the tip's seating, but I may have to try this with my IE300's and see if I notice a change in sound. I just put a ring on and yes, it does work to change the seating position of the tip on the IE300's. The tip is held further out towards the end of the noozle and yet is still held in place by the retainer lip, so seems pretty darn secure (which might be an issue with some IEMs).

I haven't yet listened enough to compare the sound difference, but it's interesting that it's an option.


MastiffMike t1_iy7zgd6 wrote

I'd guess cashing in on name? My advice, keep your expectations VERY low and don't buy until there are legit reviews out and enough time for the inevitable flaws to rear their heads.

The TWS1X was such a cluster mess (pardon my strong language) and even at 1/3 the original price Drop can't sell them. Poor sound, terrible app, dodgy battery, poor fit and comfort etc. etc. (though I'll admit I do like the color aesthetic, that's about all though).

My how fast 30 years has gone by....

You know you've done slipped when you're hoping to design something close to the quality of Beats - lol

;- P