
MatsThyWit t1_jebhmnp wrote

>Lol, take your own advice. People can buy something and still complain about it, it happens all the time.

Complaining about something being lazy and bad before you buy it while admitting that you're already planning to buy it despite those complaints is stupid. Period.


MatsThyWit t1_jdwf99t wrote

The sad immigrant with a dark past storyline is definitely not doing it for me. My issues grappling with the physics, my issues with the lack of mission checkpoints, and my issues with the unengaging story with the character that's too dour, depressing, and one note for me to care that much about have really added up to a very tedious experience. I've really tried to give it a chance but I think I'm done with it.


MatsThyWit t1_jdp1t34 wrote

the story mode (I have never played GTA Online in any capacity) of GTAV is just a really special game to me. It came out at a time when I hadn't been a gamer in years. The last game I played to completion at that point was Metal Gear Solid 4 because I was and am a massive fan of (most of) the Metal Gear Solid series. Since then I had completely fallen out of gaming for a really long time. It wasn't until my younger brother moved in with me for a variety of reasons that he brought along all his video game stuff.

GTAV was the first game he purchased for his Xbox after he moved in and I became obsessed with it. I related in so many different ways to all the characters of the game, and that story for as satirical, over the top, and absurd of it is was a really deep and rich experience for me and still is every time I revisit it. It's the game that made me a gamer again. So I hold it in very high esteem.


MatsThyWit t1_jdouwxz wrote

alright, thank you. I'll give it another go and see how it feels to me. It's so wildly different in tone, and in basic game mechanics/physics, from V that it was just jarring to kind of go back in time to that one. It's strange I suppose that GTAIV is so much harder for me to travel back in time and play than San Andreas was, but maybe that all boils down to that arcade style that you touched upon. I want to like GTAIV so I'm definitely willing to be patient with it...but yeah, it has admittedly been a bit of a struggle for me so far.

Thanks for not taking my post as some kind of attack on the game. I've been shouted down a ton on reddit for not particularly enjoying X game or another, regardless of how mild my criticism might be. So it was nice to have a serious response that took my general criticism at face value and acknowledged that it's not just me not "getting" something, but could in fact be a valid reaction.


MatsThyWit t1_jdo47pm wrote

I gotta be honest. I recently finished playing GTAV's story mode again after having not played it for a couple of years. It really put me in a GTA mood and I wanted to keep that going so, seeing how much praise this game always gets, I decided to go backward and give GTAIV a try. I've put about 3 hours into playing the game and total and at this point I'm on the verge of just calling it and giving up. I just can't get into it. I find everything just kind of blah, depressing, and boring. The much vaunted driving physics in particular annoy me rather than satisfy that itch I was trying to scratch.

Anyone got any words of encouragement? I'm not super far into the story...Probably about an hour and a half of that 3 hours is story missions so far. Is this just a "push through until it gets good" situation? Or is the hype for GTAIV more based in nostalgia than the actual reality of the game? Keep in mind when considering that question that I have also gone back and started replaying San Andreas and so far that one is way more engaging and fun.


MatsThyWit t1_jd10vej wrote

>So what? Can’t really do anything about vehicle collisions, people in rural areas sometimes need to protect livestock… 4-6000 individuals is a pretty healthy population considering how massive their territories are. What is this study trying to even say?

The article is trying desperately to make some statistics meaningful...but they really aren't.


MatsThyWit t1_jcwpifh wrote

>The Republican elite are all in favor of Trump being convicted of bribery rather than his other crimes.

Exactly. They've really just been trying to figure out how and what they can charge him with that won't blowback on the established political leadership of the party. They have their hands in too much of what Trump did for him to ever face prosecution for any of it, but prosecution for this has no way of bouncing back on anybody important with the party and take's the need to deal with him off their plate as it ends his political career. At least that's what they're likely hoping for.


MatsThyWit t1_jaay2xm wrote

>This one would be especially interesting to see completion vs playtime.

agreed. This is one of those situations where the game is so massive there might just be a lot of people who get caught up doing whatever they feel like doing and never really progress the main story forward. I know that I'm that way with Skyrim. I've never once completed the story for Skyrim on any platform, ever, but I've sunk about 100 hours into it on Steam.


MatsThyWit t1_jaawxru wrote

>I'm one of those people. I tried multiple times. Beautiful scenery. I just can not get into it. It just feels like work when you have to push yourself to play a game

This is how I felt about the game each time I've tried to play it. I just get bored, and I get bored really fast. It's a beautiful looking game, and the world is incredibly impressive, I just find myself not having a whole lot of fun. It's just not a game for me.


MatsThyWit t1_j8nh0u6 wrote

I could have told you that. It's to the point, living in Michigan where it's legal, where if I'm feeling soreness, pain, headaches, or even slight nausea... I'll take a couple hits off a bowl or a joint and within about 30 I'm usually back on my feet. Works better than any bottle of aspirin or Tylenol ever did.


MatsThyWit t1_j64lxd1 wrote

>i think the theoretical answer is YES. We also have physicists who firmly believe that time travel is not just possible, but is in fact now a matter of engineering. Keep a skeptical eye on the nay-sayers. Keep an optimistic eye on those who are trying. At 14, the future is yours. Take it and run!

I prefer to keep a skeptical eye on those who are trying as well as an optimistic eye on those who say nay.