
MattSpokeLoud t1_j5s7uct wrote

What would happen if we printed, say, 50 of these coins? Debt be gone and money for investments. Would all money be wortheless? Yeah, probably, but what if we accidentally dropped the coins into the ocean? Like, good luck, dropped from 30,000 ft into the Pacific.

Say all this happens, do we have wheelbarrows of bills for a loaf of bread or are we good?


MattSpokeLoud t1_izu8jo8 wrote

I can agree with that, which is one reason why I often don't identify as just a Marxist, because Marx was not correct on everything and newer philosophers have added much, such as the Frankfurt School of philosophers and the field of Critical Theory.

Google for cooperatives in your area, I am a member of a food coop and support local CSA associations/orgs. As for labor unions, see if one exists in a larger federation, if not there is an achievable process to start your own union.

Anarcho-syndicalism would be a long-term project that involves the proliferation of the above organizations as well as further cooperation between them.


MattSpokeLoud t1_izps7vs wrote

Most modern socialists argue for worker coops, municipally owned utilities and health services, and limited nationalized industry, such as nationalized health insurance (M4A), perhaps oil and other natural resources (usually motivated by climate change), but that is usually the extent of the centralization. Of course, there are the authoritarian strains of socialism, such as those in China and who were in the USSR, but that is not the main stream 'Left' anymore in the US anymore, by far.


I think you would be surprised how much infighting there is. If one is critically minded, it is hard to find yourself in agreement, let alone an echo chamber.