MatthewGeer t1_j97qnlz wrote
Reply to comment by WaterChi in Naval Academy Renames Building After Jimmy Carter by langis_on
Yeah, the most common type of ship to be named after a president these days is an aircraft carrier. (Eisenhower, Theadore Roosevelt, Lincoln, Washington, Truman, Reagan, George HW Bush, and Ford are all in service, a new Kennedy is in production, and there are previous carriers named after JFK and FDR.) The USS Jimmy Carter, however, is a fast attack submarine.
MatthewGeer t1_j86a17b wrote
That is such a Vermont headline.
MatthewGeer t1_j6kcgmj wrote
Reply to comment by HomeOnTheMountain_ in My proposal for near-future inter-town/city passenger rail expansions in Vermont! (MAP) by DrToadley
There used to be a rail line on that corridor. The bridge that caries US 4 over the Queechee Gorge, just west of WRJ, was built as a railroad bridge in 1911, and was converted to a highway bridge in 1933. I don’t think much infrastructure or right-of-way remains, at least not much that hasn’t been repurposed.
MatthewGeer t1_j10gxnc wrote
Reply to Goodbye senator Leahy. He gave his farewell speech to congress today. Thank you for representing Vermonters by CHECK_FLOKI
Now I suppose he can focus on his acting career. I will miss being able to say my senator stood up to Heath Ledger’s Joker.
MatthewGeer t1_j07nbkc wrote
Reply to Taken between 1930 and 1940 this picture shows the last surviving Union Civil War veterans of Grand Army of the Republic Chamberlain Post #1, St. Johnsbury, Vermont by Unionforever1865
The way they're looking at Heyer as he's speaking, rather than into the camera, makes it feel like Accidental Renaissance material if it wasn't black & white.
MatthewGeer t1_iznor5w wrote
Reply to comment by NowIAmThatGuy in Gremlins??? Vermont’s favorite Christmas movie. What kind of bullshirt is that? by irregularshadeofred
White Christmas
MatthewGeer t1_iznoolt wrote
Reply to comment by suffragette_citizen in Gremlins??? Vermont’s favorite Christmas movie. What kind of bullshirt is that? by irregularshadeofred
Years like this I really empathize with the “no snow accumulation heading into Christmas” aspect of the plot.
MatthewGeer t1_it66gz2 wrote
Reply to comment by Joyride_vt in Incentivize Accessory Dwelling Units by Unique-Public-8594
We kind of have a mechanism for this already, though it’s split between the municipal and state levels. We could jack up residential property taxes across the board, but offset the change for VT residents by also increasing the homestead tax credits & renters rebates.
MatthewGeer t1_iscxuv4 wrote
Reply to Amtrak Vermonter delays by RAPENAZI
A Massachusetts-focused webpage blames track work in southern VT for delaying the southbound Vermonter. Presumably it also affects the northbound, but they don’t worry about that as that train has already served western Mass.
> Service Advisory | Late Southbound Vermonter > > The southbound Vermonter — Amtrak trains 55 and 57 — has been departing up to an hour late from Greenfield, Holyoke and Northampton due ongoing track work in southern Vermonter. At this time we do not know when the track work will be completed.
MatthewGeer t1_jdr9668 wrote
Reply to comment by Hanginon in Stick season by 1_am_not_a_b0t
There can be some skiing in stick season, but mostly for the diehards. It usually involves riding a lift back down to the base after doing laps on man-made snow on some upper mountain lift.