
McGillis_is_a_Char t1_j1zx81u wrote

Could anyone recommend a modern history of Venice? I am reading John Julius Norwich's history, but it is a bit aged (ie uses the blanket term Saracens for all Muslims during the Crusades), and feels like it lacks objectivity on the subject.

Also if any could suggest a book on Eastern Mediterranean diplomacy and spycraft of the Renaissance I would appreciate the suggestion.


McGillis_is_a_Char t1_j19kim7 wrote

Could anyone recommend a book about Renaissance Eastern Mediterranean diplomacy and spycraft? I have recently read Agents of Empire by Noel Malcolm(an excellent book especially if you are interested in the role of Venetian subjects in the Balkans in Eastern Mediterranean politics), and would like to know more.


McGillis_is_a_Char t1_iz98xpf wrote

I have been getting more interested in the 18th Century Ottoman Empire specifically. The histories I have read devoted about 6 pages to Ahmed III then skip directly to the Napoleonic Wars. Does anyone know a book that explores that era in depth?


McGillis_is_a_Char t1_ivpd2bw wrote

Does anyone know a good book about the diplomacy, spying, and double dealing going on in the Renaissance Mediterranean. Preferably something that talks about the Italian city-states' relationship with the Ottoman Empire.