Megacole1 t1_itomeih wrote
Reply to comment by IVIaster222 in It takes longer to make a cold pizza than a hot pizza by PandaKing185
Though it might be considered pizza, when people "make food" it is assumed that it is in its final finished form. You dont make eggs and then they are raw. The same you dont make pizza and its raw. (See how i talked about eggs too lol). In the context of the question pizza would take longer to be made cold.
Megacole1 t1_itolt03 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in It takes longer to make a cold pizza than a hot pizza by PandaKing185
I like to argue on the internet too. I find it really fun sometimes.
Megacole1 t1_iws35rb wrote
Reply to comment by Raichu7 in Woman caught wearing sex toy with boyfriend's ashes inside at airport security by Dr___Krieger
Its not a but plug. Its an urn.