ITT: People who can't google and don't understand shadows and way too many people triggered by "white trash". I'm amazed at how triggering a 20+ year old artwork seems to be.
If you're joining us from r/all this is your free pass to skip the comments and have a good rest of your day. Seriously, you've been warned.
Melancholy_Mallard t1_iqs2bla wrote
Reply to "Dirty White Trash (With Gulls), Tim Noble and Sue Webster, trash sculpture, 1997 by cryptowallet77
ITT: People who can't google and don't understand shadows and way too many people triggered by "white trash". I'm amazed at how triggering a 20+ year old artwork seems to be.
If you're joining us from r/all this is your free pass to skip the comments and have a good rest of your day. Seriously, you've been warned.