
Morsigil t1_jefaz7e wrote

I decided to look into this. The answer seems to be maybe there is a bit more sugar, but it's probably more likely they taste sweeter because they're bred to be less bitter/sour rather than increasing their sugar content, which is quite hard to do. Go to the link to James Wong's Twitter post near the end of the article to get his (above) take.,been%20a%2054%25%20sugar%20increase.


Morsigil t1_j1jlpbj wrote

As others have said, you sound young, and depressed. All of your posts here have "I'm 14 and this is deep" energy. Work on finding new friends who care about more than material things, and before you say it yes there are PLENTY of them out there, and enjoy your life.

Be passionate about combating climate change, sure, but also feel free to be passionate about other things and to take pleasure in life. Your suffering does nothing to combat CO2 pollution and its consequences. The cause does not need nihilistic martyrs, but dedicated, thoughtful and energetic people.


Morsigil t1_iydxhvt wrote

Reply to comment by RoyalHaza in 2nd job at 18, worth it? by RoyalHaza

Wanted to re-emphasize what the last poster said. You will want a degree if you're planning to go into HR. Any kind of administration work you'll want a degree. Instead of working two jobs, work 1 job and make school (degrees, trade certificate, whatever) your second job. It's a much better investment than earning an extra $100 bucks a week.

Take it from someone who got very lucky. I got passed up for multiple leadership positions purely because I hadn't finished an undergrad degree. If my manager hadn't gone out of her way to create a position that didn't require a degree in order to pay me more I'd still be stuck at my previous cap (in a job I loved, admittedly).