
hphdup92 t1_jebz92y wrote

The very large cost of doing this: desalination is an extremely expensive way to get fresh water. This is less of an concern in the Middle Eastern countries who have oil money to waste.


hphdup92 t1_jc1ffxq wrote

It also depends on what you call a star and a planet. Consider a young Brown dwarf of 13.2 Jupiter masses that fuses deuterium with Super Jupiter of 12.9 Jupiter masses. Is that a star system with almost 50% of its weight outside the star or is it a binary rogue planet system or is it neither?


hphdup92 t1_j6i3a8g wrote

In this context, I would assume: overestimating the chance of rare events. So without reason, thinking that the chance of high payouts is common instead of very uncommon.

Edit: So people focus on what stands out--the large prize--or in other words what is salient.