
MrFoxManBoy OP t1_jaa3hzb wrote

Exactly. Thats what I am referring to. Fixing mistakes and issues. Not so much going through and updating the feature. Jedi used to be my favorite as a kid and its the worst one now because of the Special Editions. But the HP example is probably the most extreme version.


MrFoxManBoy OP t1_jaa30ng wrote

Oh for sure. Which is why I said up front there were a lot of really bad changes. But thinks like fixing costume issues of the wampa in Empire, and the way they incorporated just a few more shots that showed more of it, and in the same aesthetic as the original version.


MrFoxManBoy OP t1_jaa2j30 wrote

Yea thats true. That is a caveat I would argue is a must if they ever actually do this. You have to keep the original theatrical versions available. This is an unpopular opinion, but I prefer the theatrical versions of TLotR trilogy over the extended cuts. I know its not exactly the same thing I am talking about, but at least they make both versions available.


MrFoxManBoy t1_j9xm6pj wrote

Reply to comment by katycake in Anyone else hate 3D movies? by sadlibra

Little trade secret too. Even most movies that claim they were shot in 3D, a lot of the time have to get converted anyways because something as simple as difference in light entering the two lenses unequally. Meaning if you watched the playback in 3D, it would look like a weird shimmer that only hurts your eyes. So we would have to choose one of the outputs from one of the cameras and convert that plate to 3D.


MrFoxManBoy t1_j9v1ujf wrote

Reply to comment by katycake in Anyone else hate 3D movies? by sadlibra

We converted Titanic to 3D. My first gig was 3D conversion and the first two films I worked on were some of the hardest— Jurassic Park and Titanic.

None of it was native like the comment below suggests. We 100% converted it by using a mixture of stereo-painting and compositing. From there I worked on all of Phase 2 of Marvel, Star Wars, Pacific Rim, and my personal favorite, Mad Max: Fury Road. If you care I can explain what we did. If you want the short answer, a lot of fuckin work.


MrFoxManBoy t1_j612mqm wrote

You’d be lucky if you could even get batteries during Iraq/Afghanastan. I used to work with the AR/MR/VR teams that were laid off. Even though I was in the military, they wouldn’t listen to me when I told them tech like Hololens would never work in the field. And here we are 6 years later. But I was just a dirty contractor so what do I know?