
MrMycroft t1_iw74tbs wrote

I can see this. A guy I served with was from a cricket playing country, and he tried to get other people into it. The level of seriousness he had about cricket was unlike anything I had ever seen. He literally chose cricket games over any other off duty activity.

I still don't understand the game, even though I watched a few with him.


MrMycroft t1_iv59psk wrote

Posters here didn't grow up rural, and it shows. Many HS local to me have farming/ranching, and even basic forestry classes. Those professions are the lifeblood of the local communities.

Those students weren't just working a field, they were learning about calculating land expectation value, current industry practices and potential future ones, marketing, growth and yield equations, etc. The smartest kids probably use it as a springboard into other Ag fields, ranging from law to research.