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t1_iskl24i wrote


OP t1_isklwuw wrote

During the night they had dance music and a disco ball with strobe lights, this Sunday morning it was a cup of coffee and around noon a mug of tea. It keeps getting better ๐Ÿ˜†


OP t1_iskq0y4 wrote

Lettuce update:

The lettuce had cheese biscuits, cheddar and pork scratchings for dinner, and just settled for the night with an eye mask, paracetamol and a tape of whale song.


t1_isl5o9t wrote

Strangely, this is more compelling than anything else going on in the world right now.


OP t1_ism1jdf wrote

Lettuce-cast update:

Lettuce acquired a teddy bear and put on a lofi groove soundtrack.


t1_ism1zm5 wrote

Keep the news flowing. This is like getting Santa updates on XMAS eve.


t1_isnhx7q wrote

The Lettuce has sprouted a blond wig, a bottle of Irn Bru and a packet of caffeine tablets. It is clearly in it for the long haul.


t1_isn3b08 wrote

The disco lights made it difficult to see whether the lettuce was still there or put in the fridge overnight.


t1_isknebf wrote

Jesus, the Brits can be brutal. Bravo.


t1_isl7rkk wrote

Considering that in just six weeks in office, Liz Truss has:

  1. Seen the death of the Queen. (I maintain this is not a coincidence).
  2. Done nothing for ten days because it was a period of national mourning.
  3. Crashed the economy, brought the pound almost level pegging with the dollar and very nearly destroyed an awful lot of people's pension funds.
  4. Sacked the Chancellor she appointed only a few weeks previously, then denied sacking him.

In theory, she has at least two years before we're due another election. So she could stay in power that long.

In practise, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if she either resigns or calls an election within the next week.


t1_islyvc8 wrote

Watching Britain and the US and A from afar - I swear, it's hard to tell which of the two is the biggest clusterfuck sometimes.


t1_isnfzzn wrote

You just know if people were to storm Downing Street, theyโ€™d probably be doing the country a favour. Because somehow, worse and worse people keep getting put in charge. The electoral college may be dumb, but the British system isnโ€™t much worse at the end of the day.


t1_israxti wrote

Itโ€™s us !(US) we are Still dealing with Trump and the people that want to take the country back to the 50โ€™s


t1_ist0rwd wrote

Until they stop shooting five year olds at school the USA will always be the bigger clusterfuck.


t1_isnde7r wrote

A ten-day period of doing absolutely nothing being your best performance thus far isn't what I'd call a ringing endorsement.


t1_isne73x wrote

Considering she crashed the economy almost immediately after the ten day period, sheโ€™d only actually been doing anything for about seven days at the time.

As one journalist pointed out, thatโ€™s about the shelf life of a lettuce. Hence the live stream.


t1_isngauu wrote

Has he been sacked again? Because I watched either HIGNFY or Mock the Week and I swear for two weeks straight they talked about him having just been sacked.


t1_isopz7n wrote

If they even suspected that she was going to call for elections, Tories would have her disappeared.


t1_islv4t4 wrote

This was actually based on a (surprisingly tart and insightful) opinion piece in The Economist.


t1_islv2lm wrote

She already has quite a head start on being rotten so it depends on how fresh the lettuce is, really.


t1_ismcybf wrote

When we covered the UK in my comp gov class, my history teacher said that โ€œLiz Truss will probably be gone by the end of this term. โ€œ


OP t1_isnenas wrote

Lettuce-cast updates:

  • (day 2) Saturday night the lettuce had dance music and a disco ball with strobe lights

  • (day 3) Sunday morning it had a cup of coffee, around noon a mug of tea. The lettuce had cheese biscuits, cheddar and pork scratchings for dinner, and settled for the night with an eye mask, paracetamol and a tape of whale song. Late at night Lettuce acquired a teddy bear, a little blanket and put on a lofi groove soundtrack.

  • (day 4) Monday morning the lettuce started the day with a bottle of IRN-BRU soft drink and a box of Pro-Plus caffeine/vitamins capsules. For lunch the lettuce had a mug of tea, pork scratchings, a block of cheddar and cheese crackers. Monday mid afternoon Letty the lettuce has lost the tea but gained a monopoly banknote, a pair of sunglasses and inexplicably a pair of feet. The frame with a portrait of Liz Truss is now facing the wall. Also during the day the channel showed several important political events, the policy speech of the new chancellor and part of the House of Commons proceedings. 5pm, Lettuce is under a desk along with the portrait of Liz Truss. 7:30 the Lettuce is enjoying a gin and tonic, still under the desk. 8:40 Letty switched from G&T to peppermint tea.


t1_isnggf8 wrote

The Lettuce sounds like a better public speaker. I've been to a Korean BBQ and I know Lettuce knows how to deliver pork and cheese better than Liz Truss can.


t1_ismycc2 wrote

Can we just put the lettuce in charge? It's not really possible for it to do a worse job than our last three PMs.


t1_islx83a wrote

Me as a non-british person : where funny man?

I wasnt even aware you changed the dude that looked like he wasnt aware a comb was a thing


t1_iso2ql0 wrote

Outsider looking in, but I feel like the UK would benefit from having all of their members of parliament replaced with heads of lettuce.


t1_isksx47 wrote

Yet the stupid fucks keep on voting their own demise.

Let vote yey for the destruction or our economy so we can do sassy thing on the internet so people can see how British we are. The Brits probably. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
