
Mr_Boneman t1_izbd2bp wrote

I fear he’s setting up his HOD run to raise funds/gain attention for his mayoral run. Grade A affinity scammer, Dwight Jones with CTE and makes Stoney sound like a Rhodes scholar. He wouldn’t win if someone competent runs against him (Please John Balisles) but if it turns into a 3-5 person race that’s where I worry. Not enough people pay enough attention to him or know how shitty his record is, or that he couldn’t even properly file paperwork to run for office. Addison is too milquetoast to win against him and has other un redeeming qualities that would make it hard to beat him.


Mr_Boneman t1_iza4le3 wrote

Councilman Mike Jones LLC owns the house he “lives in” in his district. Of course he owns multiple properties outside the city and his son was a star QB at Henrico HS while he was serving on city council. Managed to put a stop sign in front of the house on a commuter road as well that makes no sense being there other than to make his life more convenient. Really need someone to run against him in the new HOD district carved out for him as he preps to be our next mayor.


Mr_Boneman t1_iya1eg0 wrote

There are good reasons and some not so good ones. Depending on which side of the fence you fall on, you’ll use those talking points while willfully ignoring/misinterpreting the other sides point to claim the moral high ground.


Mr_Boneman t1_iy8bgto wrote

I’m finding out the hard way that shit can come back aggressively. My friend just recently got diagnosed with metasticized cancer all over his body after just having a pet scan in July with 0 evidence of tumors. He had been following up for years prior to that with 0 problems. I had no idea that shit could turn so quick.


Mr_Boneman t1_iy8b5dc wrote

You’re already getting a tip where you head but get a heating pad in the meantime. Just had one last month and it helped immensely compared to ones I had in the past. Best of luck kidney stone bro/sis.