Murgatroyd314 t1_jdb7wos wrote
Murgatroyd314 t1_jd6c4ky wrote
Reply to Los Angeles schools closed as first day of district workers strike begins by Additional-Force-795
> Carvalho said the district has offered a wage increase totaling more than 20% over a multiyear period, along with a 3% bonus, The Associated Press reported.
Bringing it from $10000 under the poverty line to $5000 under, over the course of several years. I’d be on strike too.
Murgatroyd314 t1_jab3d7e wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Little-known scientific team behind new assessment on covid-19 origins by asdf3
You seem much more confident in that conclusion than the authors of this report.
Murgatroyd314 t1_ja1b8if wrote
Reply to comment by zero0n3 in California Lottery stands behind $2 billion Powerball winner despite claim ticket was stolen by ILikeTalkn2Myself
Even if you do that, the lottery agency will insist on knowing the actual person who will get the money. (For an example of why, google Eddie Tipton.) In some states, once they know this, it becomes a matter of public record subject to disclosure on request, despite your LLC/trust.
Murgatroyd314 t1_j6v8rcr wrote
Reply to Phoenix officer given Narcan after ingesting 'white substance' during traffic stop by trapicana
Why is a police officer ingesting anything during a traffic stop?
Murgatroyd314 t1_iyxb1u6 wrote
Reply to comment by Chard069 in Sky warns customers they will be charged £5 if they fast forward adverts by Johannes_V
Don’t give them ideas.
Murgatroyd314 t1_iyb3l77 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Alzheimer's drug lecanemab hailed as momentous breakthrough by Methoszs
Results are not as spectacular as the summary makes them sound, nasty side effects are common.
Murgatroyd314 t1_ismrsaw wrote
If Parliament goes forward with this, there will be opposition, at which point a lot of people will suddenly have an excuse to use the word antidisestablishmentarianism.
Murgatroyd314 t1_ird1edu wrote
Reply to comment by Interesting_Cup8621 in Man charged with smuggling pythons in his pants at US border by AmethystOrator
Two-eyed trouser snake.
Murgatroyd314 t1_jdte84s wrote
Reply to comment by LRsNephewsHorse in Joburg pastor still dead, despite entire year awaiting resurrection in morgue by mechsuit-jalapeno