
Murky_Pack9675 t1_j9n66rl wrote

Holy shit. Had a feeling.

I remember way back when…when this was the place to get to try different beers than the status quo. There were no microbreweries, or breweries with restaurants really, other than Legend and Richbrau (the original). CAH was the place to go. It’s gone super downhill. They’ve tried to continue to follow their same path as before, but times have changed and they’re not keeping up with the changes.

If they don’t pivot soon and fix the food and the service/management and promote the F out of what could be a great music scene: they will go out of business. Which is a shame.


Murky_Pack9675 t1_iy3kltp wrote

Any ideas for a super high ceiling apartment with one super high window and three cats (two are assholes who kill everything)? We have a rainbow Christmas tree that I put on the top of a bookshelf last year, but the assholes will attempt to scale that too. Thought about just stringing lights in a tree shape on the wall…