Submitted by Patthelionheart t3_1035wgr in rva
Richmond_Mondo t1_j2x0fii wrote
(In all seriousness though, I hope no one is badly hurt.)
garfobo t1_j2xpryi wrote
Small price to pay to avoid goose nibbles on your taint.
CapinWinky t1_j31pajx wrote
> Shit has gotten out of hand.
Literally, the extreme amount of goose shit makes the entire park a health hazard.
Mickey2Shoe t1_j2zxf67 wrote
It's the shit winds Ran Ran
marty_town t1_j2x5g5o wrote
Hope that sunroof is closed.
Dead_Hours t1_j2xae8m wrote
Vapid_Ingenue t1_j2xegvc wrote
Supposed to rain today
salawm t1_j2xynff wrote
take my angry upvote XD
[deleted] t1_j2xcxil wrote
Otherwise the car may get wet
[deleted] t1_j30bzm0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j30bynz wrote
ClydeSimpleton t1_j2x3dad wrote
For sale. Slight water damage but runs great.
tpasmall t1_j2x88ys wrote
Yeah well it's an amphibious exploring vehicle so...
TheLookoutGrey t1_j2xbo2r wrote
SeeYaLaterDylan t1_j2xh7f7 wrote
Chrahhh t1_j2yy0mt wrote
juwanna-blomie t1_j2xk5su wrote
[deleted] t1_j2ytk84 wrote
jay_kaul97 t1_j2y5l4o wrote
Diet_Coke t1_j2xhh52 wrote
No low ball offers I know what I've got
RVAforthewin t1_j2z45wj wrote
Exterior is clean as a whistle. Interior could use a little mop up.
castyourstones t1_j2xdjc5 wrote
Paging the girl from Facebook who got drunk and couldn't remember where she parked her car a few months back
[deleted] t1_j30bxuf wrote
otroquatrotipo t1_j2y89to wrote
WhoCaresBoutSpellin t1_j2zxji2 wrote
TheRedStrat t1_j30vp2l wrote
Murky_Pack9675 t1_j2zwxlz wrote
Scuba Steve drives it
Transmit_Receive t1_j2xef03 wrote
The GPS says to go straight!!
urineabox t1_j2ycg32 wrote
didn’t know there was traffic circle practicing going on!
averyhipopotomus t1_j2z6izr wrote
I drove my car into a Fucking lake
Icy_Cheesecake3211 t1_j307u4u wrote
Michael Scott agrees 😅
FruitShot8429 t1_j2x0x44 wrote
How I feel driving through the bottom every time it rains
chairmanbrando t1_j2x8spg wrote
A starter car? This car is a finisher car!
NotThatRelevant t1_j2xkn2r wrote
I have become untethered, and MY RAGE KNOWS NO BOUNDS!
[deleted] t1_j2xbehb wrote
PeppyMinotaur t1_j2yjk7c wrote
Phew for a second I thought no one was gonna make this reference hahah
Gruff_Goats t1_j2y7rph wrote
From the Zillow listing: Excited to live on a lake? This cozy studio apt. comes with water included AND two cupholders. In-law suite in the trunk. $1200/mo
coldblackmaple t1_j2zpmwj wrote
Best comment yet.
jodyhighrola t1_j2wyvys wrote
Ahhh, so that's where I parked my car last night...
[deleted] t1_j2xtijc wrote
novabrotia t1_j2x1uv7 wrote
Haha! Take my upvote!
EDIT: No gold for you kind strangers! Haha!
UNKWNDTH2002 t1_j2y3l2g wrote
coconut_sorbet t1_j2x2qoz wrote
Wait, again?
SnarkMatter t1_j2x3e0t wrote
Again? How have I missed this happening before?
coconut_sorbet t1_j2x8tec wrote
It was Swan Lake last time, technically. But close enough.
[deleted] t1_j2x6nxg wrote
This happened a year or two ago as!
nilsrva t1_j2xfg71 wrote
people forget to set their parking break on an incline
BackWithAVengance t1_j2xy1u0 wrote
well if it's broken already, how it supposed to brake?
Patthelionheart OP t1_j2x3xh5 wrote
First thing I thought lmao
Streetraider t1_j2xno3i wrote
_MellowGold t1_j2x29um wrote
Patthelionheart OP t1_j2x2nuz wrote
There was a small crowd of people that got there early to fish that had already reported it and waiting
_MellowGold t1_j2x46h2 wrote
I figured. Was more chuckling at the thought of a 311 upload of this pic with minimal description.
[deleted] t1_j2xhbpd wrote
The 7 year crash report history indicates that everything is great and that there is no car in the middle of shields lake.
carbonlandrover t1_j2xlakf wrote
What's the 90's rock band supposed to do about it? Make a hit song?
_MellowGold t1_j2xpeyr wrote
they'd probably be down
dougc84 t1_j2y36bp wrote
As long as they’re not All Mixed Up
GCPD11 t1_j2z9hum wrote
I love me some Amber
garfobo t1_j2xpw9r wrote
311 was an inside job!
_MellowGold t1_j2xq16o wrote
what's the color of your energy?
WhoCaresBoutSpellin t1_j2zxe9o wrote
Moist is the color of their energy
rvafilmworks t1_j2x6j1q wrote
miqcie t1_j2xe0np wrote
bagelpunisher t1_j2x2yxd wrote
How is it in the middle and not closer to the edge??
fishmapper t1_j2x3lor wrote
Probably floated for a while until it filled enough to submerge. Cars have lots of air voids and foam in them that would be bouyant.
bagelpunisher t1_j2x48of wrote
FictionalFail t1_j2xeilh wrote
LostDefectivePearl t1_j2xkwbf wrote
Bagel punisher, where is your favorite place around here to get bagels?
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j2z9wkz wrote
Don't ask you will be disappointed
LostDefectivePearl t1_j30jhsd wrote
Lenders: they’re fresh because they’re frozen™️
chairmanbrando t1_j2x8o7r wrote
This is also why you don't drive through water on the road during flood conditions. People think of cars as these super heavy things that should have no trouble fording, but they float a lot easier than you'd expect.
fajita43 t1_j2xhph6 wrote
excuse me but it's a civic not a ford... hahahaha
i mistakenly thought the term was "fjording" but your comment has corrected me. thank you!
tmos540 t1_j2xk0cs wrote
Fjording is what the Vikings did. You must be thinking of forwarding.
Mikey6304 t1_j2xnm4s wrote
Forwarding is what your grandma does with chain emails. I'm pretty sure you are thinking of flooring.
PickanickBasket t1_j2ytd74 wrote
Flooring it is what got this car in the lake, so yeah.
LostDefectivePearl t1_j2xkzze wrote
…I am going to start pronouncing it that way now
Hedgecore138 t1_j2x36mu wrote
That's exactly what I'm wondering.
hottandbuttered t1_j2xgsbi wrote
Character_Macaron133 t1_j2xmuqj wrote
Ask third eye blind
MediocreDriver t1_j2xay0c wrote
I really want to know HOW this happened according to bystanders and the person(s) operating the car/in possession of it. I’m curious about how people tell the story of such an incident to themselves and others regarding control (or lack of it), responsibility, and accountability/blame.
Captain_Tiberius t1_j2xcsgr wrote
Could be a stolen vehicle that was dumped overnight. No bystanders, and the operator would have fled.
Littleprisonprism t1_j2xjtg7 wrote
Friend works for WRIC and said that the woman was trying to change her tire by the lake when it began rolling down the embankment and into the lake. Sounds like she wasn’t in it which is good
floppydude81 t1_j2ydl91 wrote
Oof. Imagine bitching about your luck while changing your tire, then this happens.
anony804 t1_j2z41zk wrote
“Of course my tire goes out. Today of all days. Murphy’s law.”
car starts rolling away
MediocreDriver t1_j2xdu7x wrote
That makes makes more sense at face value than anything else I can come up with. The stolen car-joyride-dump scenario happens often enough, but why drown the car instead of abandoning it somewhere random? Is it just for kicks and/or to ruin any chance of finding evidence?
jodyhighrola t1_j2xi88r wrote
Kia Boys probably
55V35lM t1_j2yf09q wrote
Someone needed insurance money to pay off their Christmas credit card debt
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j2x2ftu wrote
The people got out, right?
Littleprisonprism t1_j2xjxgf wrote
The woman was changing her tire when the car rolled so it sounds like she was not inside
Prestigious_Laugh300 t1_j2xlhkt wrote
how does it roll without a tire
why wouldn't it be in park while changing a tire
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j2xr8lu wrote
mistakes were made
iwearlederhosen t1_j2yni68 wrote
Could have been at the point of tightening the lugs
ShuRugal t1_j2z4j46 wrote
I have watched so many people put their car up on a scissor jack without the brakes set or the chocks in place, only to drop it and smash up the skirting when they try to break the nuts loose and it rolls.
Beginning_Spite24 t1_j2xvhuh wrote
ExtremeHobo t1_j31qt0n wrote
Tell me the one about the blonde who tried to change her tire by Shields lake.
tpasmall t1_j2x7tox wrote
That's how the GPS routed them to the Elmhurst Country Club on the other side of the lake
salawm t1_j2xz90c wrote
Whoever pulls that car out of the lake will be hailed as the rightful mayor of the city.
phocuetu t1_j31wksw wrote
Strange women lying in ponds distributing Nissans is no basis for a system of government, but it does explain how we got stuck with Stoney at least.
prthorsenjr t1_j2x1ew1 wrote
That looks like someone went ice skating with their vehicle and lost.
tmos540 t1_j2xk6x3 wrote
Ice skating? In this climate???
prthorsenjr t1_j2xlztf wrote
A week, ten days ago I bet the lake was frozen. Just not that frozen.
FromTheIsle t1_j2xoptf wrote
I hope the chocolate turtles and honey roasted cashews are OK.
halfghan24 t1_j2xvq5h wrote
Columbus is trying to drive his way out?
Catch_a_toot t1_j2xi6sc wrote
Hey, you can’t park there!
Density_Allocation t1_j2xkrxg wrote
Dude, where’s my car?!
55V35lM t1_j2x39yh wrote
And they left the trunk open
phatwes t1_j2x8kzc wrote
Just had to grab a few things out the back before leaving it XD
ludba2002 t1_j2x96o6 wrote
Thanks! Forgot where I parked it
DatShinoBoi t1_j2xjvsn wrote
Go go gadget submarine
mklaman t1_j2z09av wrote
Guess they wanted to create a new MILF island?
Mad-Lad-of-RVA t1_j2zjg0n wrote
MILF Island is a state of mind.
Tater428 t1_j302n1j wrote
MILF Artificial Reef to repopulate the oysters, clams, and cockles.
vibe4it t1_j2xkp7n wrote
The gift baskets are ruined
grubman4 t1_j2y83ei wrote
Have they gotten a ticket yet?
Buymetacos t1_j2yeow4 wrote
Tater428 t1_j302vlh wrote
We’re gonna need a bigger bowl of rice.
zensucht0 t1_j2xmlzr wrote
They were searching for scooters.
SapphireSmoke t1_j2xvwax wrote
is Michael Scott visiting?
Cunbundle t1_j2y0byw wrote
Obvious Waze user.
PayneTrainSG t1_j2z55el wrote
Most qualified and competent Richmond driver.
Dabbydurrito t1_j2x3fj0 wrote
Ain't no way 😂
[deleted] t1_j2xktr7 wrote
jeb_hoge t1_j2y6co7 wrote
Curse you for that rabbit hole.
GhostWriter52025 t1_j314h6n wrote
I definitely have this phone and I hate that there's a subreddit for it. Just seeing that link is giving me anxiety
MountainPast3951 t1_j2xgwd9 wrote
Wow. I'm going to have to check that out. Hope the driver is ok
LuckyDog6415 t1_j2xwky5 wrote
Made a couple of wrong turns leaving Bamboo...
Lateandontime t1_j2y3csk wrote
Now the car is really underwater.
bentzu t1_j2y8drq wrote
I understand that someone was trying to change a tire and the car wanted to take a bath first.
SotherWorldly t1_j2z2vzu wrote
Wonder if this might explain why I saw a cop driving around that area at 5am with a search light on, pointed towards the lake.
Badnewz18 t1_j2zm0a6 wrote
You will see it for sale on Jefferson Davis come spring time
[deleted] t1_j2y0nq1 wrote
philedwardsinc t1_j2y7yn9 wrote
I can't believe I've seen this multiple times.
[deleted] t1_j2yi4g0 wrote
JustanOldEnonHippy t1_j2zf3gs wrote
Tryin to score some rock. Gps said straight? But left was the ticket🤣
[deleted] t1_j2zhh0e wrote
[deleted] t1_j2zisdh wrote
Mad-Lad-of-RVA t1_j2zjag8 wrote
I am an ex-automotive claims adjuster and my expert opinion is that that car is totaled.
ClarkeWGriswold t1_j2zsaib wrote
Put it over a stove to dry it out
Ear_Enthusiast t1_j3052lh wrote
Is this not a reasonable place to park?
Altruistic-Flamingo5 t1_j30i09n wrote
But how did they drive it to the middle?
fusion260 t1_j31lz2z wrote
Enough inertia + slowly floats as it sinks + transmission in neutral = the tires roll it to the lowest point until it stops
Plus-Trick-9849 t1_j313i0o wrote
Hopefully not a person too.
Phoebeish- t1_j319vlz wrote
smkestcklghtn t1_j31d63t wrote
Part of Richmonds new expanded public parking program. It's on the Pulse line
_R_A_ t1_j31u4p8 wrote
You have arrived at your final destination.
ski233 t1_j31ww6w wrote
I know someone that was there. They pulled it out and had scuba divers helping. Sounds like they probably forgot to put the ebrake on.
rootstwo t1_j31x9lm wrote
Ran when parked. No low ballers. I know what I’ve got!!
jatttsaab t1_j31zneh wrote
Greenedeyedgem17 t1_j32d1yw wrote
It must of sprung a leak! 🚣🚣♂️
[deleted] t1_j3bkyzv wrote
BradRVA t1_j3bl2zx wrote
Someone had to have launched that car to get that kind of distance lol
Beachstar83 t1_j66y2ps wrote
There has to be a hell of a story here!
SmyttiTLDR t1_j2x485a wrote
Yikes. This happens way too often.
Historical-Fig t1_j2xb9fz wrote
SmyttiTLDR t1_j2xheh9 wrote
Yea. Last time someone stuck a brick on their accelerator and let er go. Hoping no one is in there. I think the police just showed up recently.
RonaldLElliottIII t1_j2x4o77 wrote
Oh that’s where I parked it
Sacralbleu t1_j2y82z5 wrote
Accomplished-Ad4334 t1_j2ycnj2 wrote
Just Richmond tings
Freseper t1_j2ydsj1 wrote
This is terrible
Koko__Nut t1_j2yg6d1 wrote
Wow! How did that happen?
Patthelionheart OP t1_j2zzrnj wrote
The car went into the water
Koko__Nut t1_j30hx2x wrote
I just wondered if anybody knew how it went into the water.
nite_rituals t1_j2z1vj6 wrote
memelig t1_j2zjnmr wrote
Drivers in Richmond never cease to amaze me
[deleted] t1_j2zkhly wrote
smarshall561 t1_j2yq7n5 wrote
Plates don't look local but could be the angle.
aboutnothingwitty t1_j2yr5p6 wrote
The driver is just playing hide and seek.
reignthepain t1_j2yt2hb wrote
Check if there’s a body inside
Supaspex t1_j2z7gvw wrote
The equivalent to letting me know you're a responsible gun owner (obviously you're not)
Richmond_Mondo t1_j2x0aca wrote
The Lake God keeps asking for wilder and wilder offerings to restrain The Goose Orcs from going on a killing spree through Byrd Park. Shit has gotten out of hand.