
MusicURlooking4 t1_j8gdp1a wrote

> So they shoot down all these objects, then don't tell us what it is, they say it doesn't resemble this or that or aliens, but wait let's do UFO taskforce

That's how you do money grab, you create a problem and then you "confront" it by creating an agency fueled by the public money which then can go to private hands without any questions asked 😉


MusicURlooking4 t1_j5i4ris wrote

> We'll do it without permission.

What you have to understand is our country is being ruled at the moment by the cynical and dishonest populists, they are as anti-German as they are anti-Russian and their goal is to make Germany look bad first and to send the tanks second.

We have this saying here in Poland, "to cook two pieces of meat on a single fire" and that's what they are trying to do now, sadly it is the innocent Ukrainians who are paying with their lives for this disgusting political games ;_;


MusicURlooking4 t1_ixtiakm wrote

> After breaking the code, the researchers discovered that the emperor was particularly concerned about a rumor that Italian military leader Pierre Strozzi – who was in the service of Francis I – was planning to assassinate him. However, after being instructed to investigate the situation, Saint-Mauris sent a report back to Charles the following month explaining that there was no truth to the rumor.

> Other details included in the coded letter reveal that Charles V was eager to maintain his delicate peace with Francis I, at least until he could overcome a Lutheran uprising called the Schmalkaldic League, which threatened his empire.