
Muted_Sorts t1_jajgwod wrote

The paper points out the following areas: "Participants who experienced childhood sexual abuse showed a significantly smaller cortical gray matter volume in the right middle occipital gyrus, right pars orbitalis, left superior parietal lobule and left pars triangularis regions of the brain compared to participants who did not experience childhood sexual abuse (in the total sample)."“Moreover, we observed a reduced volume in the right anterior cingulate gyrus in patients with major depressive disorder compared to that in healthy participants,” they continued. “While childhood sexual abuse and major depressive disorder affected the cortical volume of the right middle occipital gyrus and anterior cingulate gyrus, respectively, post-hoc analyses showed that even patients in the major depressive disorder group who were exposed to childhood sexual abuse showed a pronounced decrease in the right middle occipital gyrus volume.”

Anterior cingulate gyrus controls behavior regulation, including emotion processing and vocalization of emotion. It's linked to social cognition and our pro-social capacity.

If I understand the article and paper correctly, after suffering sexual abuse, a child's brain has a hard time grounding itself spatially, and is in perpetual fight-or-flight mode. More things are perceived as threats when one cannot ground oneself or others visuospatially. Perspective taking is negatively impacted, as the brain is at reduced capacity to link to working memory and update perception (i.e., once a threat always a threat). Attention regulation is impacted. This helps explain the link to borderline personality disorder and panic disorders, and why victims have a hard time talking about their trauma. The brain changed; it's really not their fault. And it points to PTSD/cPTSD stemming from child sexual abuse as a possible source of widespread ADHD misdiagnoses. It can also help explain one's susceptibility to cults, due to their rigid, repetitive structure; it's predictable, and that predictability is perceived as safe even when it's objectively not.

So then, what's the treatment? Can TMS help rebuild and strengthen pathways to middle occipital gyrus?


Muted_Sorts t1_j9r3je2 wrote

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We don't need Google; Google needs us (the actual end-users).

Edit: Google allows everyone (e.g., Amazon) to steal all your data via its Ads and Tag Manager services. Everyone not considering alternatives to Google is a fool.