
NECESolarGuy t1_jdmh9oj wrote

Well they vote that way so they get good offices, nice committee assignments, the kiss of death in the MA house is to piss off the speaker. Legislators get pay bumps based on the committees they serve on. So the speaker has lots of leverage over members of he house…


NECESolarGuy t1_jdmgxvb wrote

He was Deleo’s hand picked successor. No one should be surprised by this. I do hope she is successful and exposes some of the petty shit the all powerful speaker gets away with. Like if you don’t toe the line, you get a shitty office, or lousy subcommittee appointments…. Or or or….

And she did say she was going to look at how committee chairs get assigned. That’s got to rattle mr mariano….


NECESolarGuy t1_j932x95 wrote

“Licensed by the town” means they got permission to canvass. That’s all. They are pushing a “Power purchase agreement” so they put panels on your roof and sell the electricity the panels produce to you at a slight discount to National grid probably 20 or 25 year agreement.

The economics are Almost always better to own the system rather than do a PPA. My company serves Worcester if your interested.