
ChainmailleAddict t1_jeb3f6c wrote

I really think progressives/socialists would do better around here if they engaged it from the logical "effective spending" side rather than JUST the moral/inequality side. Good spending is something everyone can get behind, and stuff like socialized medicine and tuition-free public colleges are just a good investment that tons of other countries have already figured out.


ChainmailleAddict t1_j9tz0m2 wrote

Whoopdeedoo, I'm obviously some naive idiot who thinks billionaires care about us! That's why I'm a leftist, mhm!

Oh man, if only there were some way that we the people could enact changes over these predatory businesses. Thing is, you provide no alternative. You're acting as though things won't be automated if we just ask them nicely. You're falling victim to the very thing you're accusing me of, just coming at it from a personal angle instead of a societal one.

I'm not saying UBI/UBD as a solution is likely, I'm just saying that we basically have two outcomes here, and this is the better one by far. The money and resources are there, we have them. The question is just in distribution.


ChainmailleAddict t1_j9toyff wrote

Alright, well, businesses are going to fight to lower their costs no matter what so it's not like we can slow down automation by much either. We need to switch to some form of UBI or UBD where companies pay a % of their profits directly into a public trust to be paid towards everyone, to eliminate the adversarial relationship between human and machine. Otherwise everyone starves and has even LESS power.


ChainmailleAddict t1_j9drpf5 wrote

If you're planning on having kids, they'll have access to Shawsheen Technical Highschool, which is quite literally one of the best public schools in the state in what's already the best education state. Worth noting!


ChainmailleAddict t1_j9b1f5e wrote

" if you aren’t willing to kill when necessary, than you don’t value your life at all, nor the lives of others. "

Don't put words in my mouth. I'm saying that a gun needlessly escalates a situation. What happens if they charge you thinking they're going to die? It was a freaking parking lot with people in it, it's not like it was a back alley where he'd never have been discovered. Even if you DO shoot them, congrats, they didn't have to die and they'd have never been thinking life or death without that gun there in the first place.

My argument is simply that having something like pepper spray will create better outcomes in this particular situation than a gun.


ChainmailleAddict t1_j9av8c2 wrote

Pepper spray doesn't do anything? Really? Maybe if they're on cocaine! I promise unarmed car thieves don't have the fight in them. You don't take out a gun unless you're willing to use it, and so many things could go wrong once you show you're willing to kill them. The best case scenario for everyone is that they stop breaking into the car and go to jail. Non-lethal is the way to go.


ChainmailleAddict t1_j7l3ckn wrote

I think personally that we'll need some form of Universal Basic Dividend that every company pays into a public trust going directly to the people, so that we can continue to benefit from businesses in a more direct way and remove the adversarial relationship that'll most likely develop between workers and AI.


ChainmailleAddict t1_j46xlu6 wrote

Could you just admit you're wrong and move on instead of engaging in bad-faith BS that makes you look stupid? Guy was an idea stealer, that's not debatable.


ChainmailleAddict t1_j3cl2qv wrote

Jobs would still exist and people would still work them, it's not as though UBI gives everyone enough to do nothing. This being said, jobs are disappearing and being automated away. Things stack up that one day, we won't need to work any more, and this should be a good thing if we make the ultra-wealthy stop hoarding our excess labor.