
NHiker469 t1_jdqxukh wrote

I don’t care who you are. I’m not being an asshole at all. I’m sharing my opinion and defending it.

I’m not trolling either. I stand by my claims and defense 100%.

You’ll notice, I’m the one being engaged.

Live free or die guy is going to ban me for arguing my point? The irony is super strong here.

Do what you gotta do, “mod”.

Edit: now if everyone would give me a second, I have letters to my state and local reps to complete.


NHiker469 t1_jdqs3fe wrote

LOL…sorry man, nope. That headline would tell people not to go here if they didn’t want to run the risk of being served drug laced foods.

JFC, you are thick. You can’t serve your clients food laced with drugs. Period. Hard stop.

Nothing you say to me will make me think or feel different.

I look forward to watching this business be shut down.
