
NachoFries2020 t1_jef2onz wrote

No matter their color, there are stories

where either.

its a home invasion attempt,


They are trying to get you to switch providers in the spring, you get a lower rate, but then in winter, when the providers rates go up, YOUR rates go up too!.


I always tell them I am not interested and not to call me again.

but never do they come to my door !


NachoFries2020 t1_j1dr1z9 wrote

No, I used to work on Hudson street, and I drove up the Turnpike, parked at Liberty Science center parking lot then took the light rail to Hudson street. this was back in 2001 to 2002. I worked in the twin buildings next to the "new" Goldman Sachs building on the old Colgate site. I remember looking across the river at ground zero. crazy times !


NachoFries2020 t1_j19dygb wrote

I cant believe 22 years later from when I worked in JC, people still do this? I mean are the even awake, are they even looking forward? How to you not see train tracks ? unbelievable.