
NarutoUzuchiha t1_je55p5g wrote

woah...that's news to me...
I thought a bastard could inherit if the king had no issues or siblings or close relatives (uncles, 1st/2nd cousins) but seems like they will be totally ignored in any case and a very distant relative would be preferred over them any day..
By the way, i have read somewhere that Henry VIII didn't have any legitimate son until...well...Edward VI popped out and before that he was planning to designate Henry FitzRoy (his bastard through Elizabeth Blount) as his heir.
Is this somewhat true?


NarutoUzuchiha t1_jdyo1y0 wrote

Thank You for your detailed answers. I would hope to learn about bastards as well soon.
Oh and as far as i can remember the Vermandois house began when prince of France married to the then Carolingian Countess of Vermandois which also resulted in end of the Karling line in 11th century.


NarutoUzuchiha t1_jdvoisn wrote

How was a descendant of King's younger sons treated?

For example ; 'Capet' had a cadet house of 'de Dreux' which descended from fifth son of Louis VI of France. They were made counts but were they treated as normal counts? or was there something like royal counts?
Similarly, how were bastard descendants of kings treated if compared to legitimate younger son's descendants.