
Nearby_Landscape3451 t1_j65wrq9 wrote

You need to realize that she was your friend looked out for you was sick and also that management doesn't give a fuck about anyone. You are objects to them. She did what anyone who knows the struggle and cares about others would do in her position to make work better for those under her, it was probably hard and she dropped a bit of her effort while struggling with long COVID. But she sounds above any beyond anything you could ever reasonably expect. If you have a good boss it's not because they are just a "nice person" it's because they go out of their way to make things nice for people under them and they are rare. You may never see one again. So to make up for the other employees now facing a harsher regime the only thing you can do is be that person yourself and put forth extra effort for those under you and shield them as much as you can. Because now you know what it's like both ways. If you do that you've atoned as much as you can for the employees but there's not much you can do for her. You buried her, even if it wasn't intentional it was backstabby.


Nearby_Landscape3451 t1_j65vm00 wrote

And you ruined a good workplace for everyone else including yourself my talking smack behind your bosses back to her boss. She was such a good sounding board and let you vent you said. You should have addressed this with her and told her how you felt. Instead you tried to get her in trouble by telling on her so your boss would clamp down and make her work harder. He did clamp down, and fired her. You really blew a good thing, just learn from your mistake. Good managers are 1 in a 100 and most are slave driving slaves themselves to get brownie points with the plantation master. Your mistake took away the support she was providing. That really sucks, learn from this and don't make the same mistake again. I don't feel bad for you at all, I feel bad for your old boss and the others who have to work there. This is a mistake of being sheltered and privileged. she understood the troubles of overworked underpaid employees and fought for them, you snitched. Management isn't going to reward you for it. Basically your class traitor and betrayed your boss/frien