NefariousNaz t1_iybzxkq wrote
Reply to Will beautiful people lose most of their sexual market value in the coming decades? by giveuporfindaway
Attractiveness will always have a lot of value. I don't see that decreasing. If anything, as other tasks and responsibilities transitioned to ai and less human intellectual input required, there will be a greater emphasis placed on beauty.
Plastic surgery methods will improve, and designer babies can be selected for attractiveness. How much improvement remains to be seen. Body parts can be grown and form induced but you still have to deal with scar tissue and invasive surgery.
If we have nanobots that can make changes at a cellular level then eventually you can look like a totally different person without the scar tissue inherent in plastic surgery and degradation of artificial implants which require recurring maintenance and replacement.
NefariousNaz t1_iy2y43w wrote
Reply to comment by BinyaminDelta in 2002 vs 2012 vs 2022 | how has technology changed? by Phoenix5869
Terminator far future takes place in the 2020s though
NefariousNaz t1_iy2xgxl wrote
Here's my experience:
2002: I had the internet but it was still dial up. Would get broad band in next few years. Feel phones were becoming more common but majority didn't have one yet. Also it was mainly for phone calls with maybe a few simple built in games. GPS probably existed but you needed a dedicated device. Social media in its modern form didn't exist. No video hosting sites like YouTube existed. MySpace or Facebook didn't exist yet. There were many other precursor simpler websites and forums. The internet was a foreign concept at this point to the majority especially older generations. You have to understand that at this time people were frightened about the thought of shopping online and sharing personal data online. TVs and monitors were mainly huge box crv types. Flat screen tvs existed but it was pretty expensive. Had to go to the bank to deposit checks and no online billing so I had to send checks over mail for payment for subscriptions or whatever.
2012: First year of mass adoption of smart phones which coincided with mass adoption of social media going mainstream. Tinder came out this year and the stigma against internet dating disappeared. Everyone suddenly had gps with their phones. Netflix started streaming services. YouTube monetizing became easier for content creators. This marked the start of a revolution of how people interacted and entertained themselves. Blockbuster and other movie rental places died. Strip malls which were already dying accelerated their death spirals due to competition first from Walmart and subsequently online shopping. Didn't have to go to banks as much to cash checks anymore due to mobile deposits starting. That said Direct Deposit had already chopped down on that substantially by 2002. Online payment means I practically never need to send checks over the mail.
2022: not too much of a difference from 2012. Mainly refining and maturation of things that existed in 2012 and the cultural and political impact that it led to.
NefariousNaz t1_iy2r01e wrote
Reply to comment by User1539 in Google Has a Secret Project That Is Using AI to Write and Fix Code by nick7566
Is there going to be issue with gap in knowledge due to lack of low end work?
NefariousNaz t1_ix8iig9 wrote
Absolutely is a black swan event. Although black swan is supposedly unpredictable, lots of other past events that were considered black swans were predictable by a group of people. This includes WW1, the personal computer, and the internet.
The creator of the term black swan, Nassim Taleb, regards pretty much all major scientific discoveries as black swan events.
NefariousNaz t1_iwtcn6e wrote
Reply to Is there a way to talk to a direct NJ labor agent about illegal work conditions? by [deleted]
Contact someone at the state department of labor
NefariousNaz OP t1_iwt8q4z wrote
Reply to comment by vernes1978 in When does an individual's death occur if the biological brain is gradually replaced by synthetic neurons? by NefariousNaz
That would be the last one
NefariousNaz OP t1_iwrmyqw wrote
Reply to comment by vernes1978 in When does an individual's death occur if the biological brain is gradually replaced by synthetic neurons? by NefariousNaz
Which option? There was a limit on options so I couldn't add anymore.
NefariousNaz OP t1_iwrel1u wrote
Reply to comment by Terminus0 in When does an individual's death occur if the biological brain is gradually replaced by synthetic neurons? by NefariousNaz
I agree with this outlook
NefariousNaz t1_ivfgwuz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in AR with deformation tracking, texture swapping, lighting estimation @60fps on iPad Pro M2 by Shelfrock77
Which episode is that?
NefariousNaz t1_iuuf8qr wrote
Reply to comment by ITsupportSuperHero in What happened to "chips everywhere" predictions? by phriot
There are novelty clothes that can be changed from app. Problem is battery life.
NefariousNaz t1_itkcmrx wrote
Reply to comment by 3Quondam6extanT9 in The future of voice assistants is looking bright... by Trillo41
I use mine on daily basis. Set up reminders for work and personal appointments on the run, multiple lights attached to it and voice activated or put on schedule. Can watch cameras I have set up or drop into other areas of the house to see and talk to others.
My young son cannot call me on the phone but he knows how to voice activate to drop into my office from his room if he needs me.
NefariousNaz t1_itkcmdi wrote
Reply to comment by enkae7317 in The future of voice assistants is looking bright... by Trillo41
I use mine on daily basis. Set up reminders for work and personal appointments on the run, multiple lights attached to it and voice activated or put on schedule. Can watch cameras I have set up or drop into other areas of the house to see and talk to others.
My young son cannot call me on the phone but he knows how to voice activate to drop into my office from his room if he needs me.
NefariousNaz t1_itkc8j9 wrote
Reply to how old are you by TheHamsterSandwich
I am surprised it's so heavily skewed towards 20 year olds
NefariousNaz t1_itit5yp wrote
Reply to comment by ziplock9000 in The future of voice assistants is looking bright... by Trillo41
Why is Google the best?
NefariousNaz t1_it2fisn wrote
Reply to comment by -ZeroRelevance- in New research suggests our brains use quantum computation by Dr_Singularity
Wait until he realize that the main competing interpretations are that particles exist in a superposition state until 'looked' at - See Schrondinger's cat for the implications which is both alive and dead until looked at - or that every interaction has already been pre-determined and time is an illusion.
NefariousNaz t1_it0w88h wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in New research suggests our brains use quantum computation by Dr_Singularity
It doesn't sound like you know what you're talking about. It being unfalsifiable doesn't mean that it is debunked. It just means that it cannot be empirically proven over other competing interpretations, which also are probably unfalsifiable as well.
I actually don't favor many worlds interpretation, but that does not preclude it as there's no way to test and verify any model currently.
Additionally there are also other models of how a multiverse would exist. If the universe goes on for infinite, or if there are multiple bubble universes with own big bang/creation event which would give the same affect. All unfalsifiable btw because it extends outside the scope of any measurement that we can ever make.
NefariousNaz t1_it0k0so wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in New research suggests our brains use quantum computation by Dr_Singularity
They're not more likely interpretations.
It doesn't sound like you're that well versed on the subject.
NefariousNaz t1_irzecju wrote
I don't recall, within past couple of years. I've been aware of the singularity concept for far longer from other forums I frequented nearly decades ago
NefariousNaz t1_irqc94p wrote
I think Ray Kurzweil is a bit optimistic because he wants to fall into LEV.
NefariousNaz t1_iye4lf5 wrote
Reply to comment by Ctrlguy in 2002 vs 2012 vs 2022 | how has technology changed? by Phoenix5869
eeeh I grew up in 80s-90s and looking back life is pretty much drastically different. Between 1950s vs today the difference between no computers at all, let alone internet is pretty massive.