
NerdOnTheStr33t t1_j1ypbcl wrote

No fuck ups here. If she's harming and feels the need to run from parents instead of "face the music" as you put it, she's obviously in a situation where she feels her life would be better off in a place she wouldn't have to "face the music" for her mental health troubles. What you have done is teach her some vital and useful skills for survival which has probably helped her emancipate herself from her shitty situation. What you've done is a GOOD thing. The alternatives could have been much MUCH worse. As an ex churchist, I can confirm that church is no place for people with mental health issues which lead to self harming. Praying about it, exorcism and reading more Bible only serve to cause more damage. Hopefully she finds her way to some people who can help her with her problems. All you done is give her the tools to survive on her own and for that you should be commended.