
Neville_Lynwood t1_jaf31a1 wrote

CRPG's generally not known for amazing combat.

Pathfinder games are probably what you're looking for if you want the more modern Baldur's Gate experience that isn't Baldur's Gate 3.

But I wouldn't say combat is all that much better. More modern, but it's based on a very similar ruleset.

If you're going down that road, You may as well go further back and play all the top rated games in the genre. Neverwinter Nights 2 still holds up decently well, Mask of the Betrayer Expansion is still one of the best story contents for any CRPG ever made. Pillars of Eternity is solid, Tyranny is a very interesting twist on the standard fantasy story from the perspective of the evil side.


Neville_Lynwood t1_jaa785f wrote

More people on PC probably have a higher rate of performance issues due to weaker hardware, and probably have way too many games to distract them to fully focus on finishing one. Probably also using PC for all kinds of other stuff that's distracting.

I imagine it's easier to stay focused on finishing a game on a console since you're not really doing much else with the console. You sat down to play, so you're gonna play.


Neville_Lynwood t1_ja9ak2g wrote

Ahhh, HOMM2, good times.

Should play the games again. Did a full storyline playthrough of the originals, from HOMM1-HOMM4 a couple of years back. Such a great time.

I still morn the loss of that universe. I never could get into HOMM5+. I had too much history baggage from the earlier games to start fresh with an arguably less interesting world.


Neville_Lynwood t1_iy011l6 wrote

That's a lot of shortcut icons. I don't think I've used more than one or two shortcuts in decades. With that many similar ones I'd probably click the wrong one all the time.