
OP t1_itmsa1y wrote

So my fiancee is helping me out here, and she's pulled up a few towns which are very similar looking to the town I'm remembering, just not in the right area.

It looks a lot like the 'main street' area of both Chester and Grafton, but both of those towns were outside the territory of where I was sent for work. It was more mountainous and further north, but as far as the actual town goes, Chester is the closest I've seen so far, similar architecture and building styles. I'll post the link so you have an idea of the vibe.,-72.5979413,3a,75y,298.73h,97.4t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sM3xvy3ig8l9sJ6g2sTF6yw!2e0!5s20180901T000000!7i13312!8i6656


OP t1_itmjvtg wrote

Ah, you're right, forgot about Veterans day. I knew I was missing a patriotic holiday somewhere, and that would have been right around that time (I think?). The trees were still green but starting to turn. I know it was during or after October because that's when I got the driving privileges for the job.

So probably not November? I'm going to have to recheck that, I've been in Louisiana for too long, I'm forgetting how seasons work.


OP t1_itmj4wg wrote

I'm assuming the flags were year round because I wasn't there near Independence Day, Memorial Day, or Labor Day. The reason I'm so hung up on it is because the whole place was a weird experience and I'd like to go back to see if it was as weird as I'm remembering it. I was the only person there and the whole town was dead silent. Nothing looked abandoned or blighted, just didn't see any people. All I heard was the wind, and birds as I drove through. I saw a couple of people at the supermarket and there were a few cars parked at the dollar store, but nobody in the rest of the town.

Until I saw the dollar tree/grocery store I thought I may have accidentally driven onto the set of a movie. It would have been creepy if it wasn't so beautiful.

I am totally stumped.


OP t1_itmfnhu wrote

I'm not 100% on the cobbler, but there were many artisan shops, and lots of huge trees growing out over the road in the middle of town. I don't think there were any buildings taller than the trees. It would not have been out of place to see a cobbler or blacksmith. I don't think it was Barre because I've been through Barre many times, but I'm checking anyway.

Sorry, not Barre.

Thank you!


OP t1_itmdn4v wrote

I don't think it was Northfield because I was there recently and I'd have remembered that, but I'll look into it. I also think Randolph was too far south, but I'll check that out too.

Edit: Not Randolph, and it looked a lot like the very south end of Northfield but not the rest of Northfield. Northfield is still more industrial/modern than what I'm remembering.


OP t1_itm84ub wrote

I'm pretty sure there was a cobbler but not 100%. I'm googling now, based on what I'm remembering.

It's not Hardwick, Hardwick looks significantly more modern than where I was. There were no gas stations or any kind of modern looking stores. I didn't see any modular homes or any kind of modern looking apartment buildings. The reason I'm remembering the dollar store is because it stuck out like a sore thumb in comparison with the rest of the town, it was the only place with a big, colorful modern sign.

I'll keep editing this post as I go down that list, but I'm avoiding the places I've lived in or traveled through regularly (pretty much the entire Northwest corner of the state, and the entirety of Rt 7).

Edit: Was also not Jericho/Underhill.


OP t1_itm0hkb wrote

Honestly that memory feels like a fever dream at this point. It would have been late October/early November of 2018.

It wasn’t Williston, I worked in Williston for three years. Most of the areas I say “it wasn’t here” is because I either lived there or worked there and am familiar with the area, whereas the town I’m thinking of, I only was there that one time.

The main st was a long straight road surrounded by mountains. I don’t remember details of houses, just that I felt like I had stepped into a time capsule.

I don’t remember any bodies of water, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t there.