
NorCalAthlete t1_iwors3i wrote

Got a source for frequency of occurrences? Cause in 20 years of lifting I’ve never seen someone end up with brain damage from dropping a barbell on their head while bench pressing. Not saying it can’t happen or doesn’t happen, just doubting the frequency. Seems like a freak accident more than “happens all the time.”


NorCalAthlete t1_iu3ofc0 wrote

Season 1 made me wish I lived closer, I’d have stopped by to check it out just for shits and giggles if nothing else. It honestly just seemed…i dunno, wholesome & satisfying to see Clarkson lean into it like that though, even if he bumbled about a fair bit. Like, if I ever made millions, I imagine I’d do much the same - semi retire and start a farm somewhere or do something with my hands again.

There’s a certain pleasure in the immediately tangible effects manual labor produces, whether farming, welding, etc whatever. And before anyone jumps down my throat about it - yes, I’ve done it, and yes, I still do on occasion, though these days it’s more on a volunteer basis for charities and such.