
t1_j6pg32x wrote

I've got a last resort for you. I've lived in a couple houses with no grounded outlets. I plug my UPS into one of those 3 prong adapters then run a #12 wire from that loop that's on the adapter to a water pipe. This will not guarantee a ground but it's your best best. If you're on or near the ground floor run it out a window to an outside pipe or drive a metal spike into the ground and connect to that. I once used a metal coat hanger as a rod and it was sufficient enough to ground a trailer. I stopped melting extension cords.

The reason I say a water pipe will not be a guarantee is because if there's plastic pipe anywhere in the line it will break the circuit. Hot water pipe might be best as the water heater will definitely be grounded. A cold water line is the typical ground point but it's more likely to have plastic from repairs.

"Ground" literally means that circuit is connected to the ground somewhere. If you are in something like a basement apartment in a house look in the flower bed outside for an existing ground rod. Quite often you'll find them near telephone / cable TV hookups.

I have lived a year in my current place where I have not had grounded plugs or the option of running my own ground and I've already lost one hard drive to a simple power outage.


t1_j0ylibi wrote

The Fermi Paradox is no paradox at all. Seti can only detect a civilization like ours out to about 32 LY. That's just general radiation going out in all directions (google it). At best we could detect out to 2000 LY but that would have to be a REALLY strong RADAR type signal pointed directly at the receiver. They are not hiding, we are simply blind and deaf. SETI is basically a waste of money unless we are looking for really close neighbors. And on a galactic scale even 2000 LY is close.

All these other theories are based on a false assumption.

Rare Earth assumes there is something unique about Earth. There is nothing to indicate that the very same physical processes that happen here on Earth are any different than what goes on in the rest of the universe.

Dark Forest? See FP above. Just because we can't see them doesn't mean they are hiding. Though if they got to know us they might want to back away slowly.

Great Filter. Now there's a real possibility. Though even the entire galaxy has a Goldilocks zone. There are very large areas of the galaxy that probably have no life but our GZ is enormous. IIRC it starts about 1/3 of the way out from the galactic core and only ends at the very fringes. It's not just radiation but the chemical make up of the area. I forget the specifics.

Are we alone? The odds are very much against it. Can we detect them? The odds are also very much against it. And even if we keep on using RF for another thousand years that is still a very small window of opportunity to spot us. I use us as an example because we are basically looking for someone like us, technologically speaking.