
ObservantWon t1_j1b7nd0 wrote

Young, healthy gym goers weren’t the ones filling up hospitals. The media and our government was completely dishonest from the beginning. They made it seem like everyone was getting violently ill and dying from Covid, when the vast majority were over 65, and chronically unhealthy. So why close gyms? For what purpose? Who were they protecting? But keep drive thrus open at McDonald’s and Burger King.


ObservantWon t1_j1b6zfj wrote

Moms were being kicked out of parks with their kids by law enforcement. Surfers getting kicked out of the damn ocean. The lockdowns in certain states were absolutely insane. Certain state and local governments were totalitarian in their lockdowns. This was pretty rampant during the beginning months of Covid and into the summer.


ObservantWon t1_j1aypne wrote

You know what’s worse for disease then a gym? Sitting at home, eating junk food and being sedentary. That’s what our government promoted. They even discouraged people from going on walks and hikes in the fresh open air.


ObservantWon t1_j16k6dl wrote