
OceanSupernova t1_jb48gni wrote

What happened to video chat? Honestly it's been so many years since I've done this but don't things like private video calls on omegle still exist?

I'm probably thinking of something different because Omegle doesn't have the option to invite to chat but there's definitely options other than WhatsApp, if she has trust issues suggest both creating throwaway accounts on a video chat site.


OceanSupernova t1_iy1al2p wrote

Doesn't sound like a fuck up to me. Happy you had a great experience and had someone there to look after you. You had fun, didn't throw up and didn't do anything embarrassing so I'd definitely count that as a win.


OceanSupernova t1_ix4xwcy wrote

Sometimes porn gets weird, it happens to the best of us. One risky click leads to another and then you're most of the way there and there's no going back now. You blow a load and you're left embarrassed and slightly disturbed by what you just watched and the post nut clarity hits you like a freight train.

If you and your partner do end up talking about this just be honest, it's not like you searched monster cock implodes persons head. Admit you fucked up and stuff got weird and also reassure her that you will stop yanking it in the living room unless you're useing the big tv.


OceanSupernova t1_iwepm9o wrote

Call her bluff and ask your granny if she thinks you're in the wrong when you talk to her, it might be hard but just explain it. The first paragraph you wrote here is all you really need when it comes to explaining your side of things. Even if your granny agrees that your mother is in the wrong though just leave it at that for a while, don't go straight to your mother saying granny thinks you're in the wrong because that will just throw more fuel on the fire and next thing all three of you are fighting.

With family stuff all you have to do is say what you need to and just give it time. Anything can be resolved, all you need is time.

If no one sees sense and your gran takes your mothers side I would just drop it rather than wasting your energy fighting them both. It was a really shitty thing for your mother to go through your stuff in the first place and I would just refocus your efforts into getting a lock for your bedroom door or at the very least a lock on your dresser. If your mother has a problem with this then explain to her how she invaded your privacy and made you feel guarded in a space which should be your own safe place.