
Odd_Analyst_8905 t1_ita58r6 wrote

No no.. what you’re describing is exactly what I’m talking about. The same thing. I’m just concerned with the communities affected by the exact changes you’re describing.

We agree with how it’s going to roll out. I’m just pointing out it’s going to completely fuck entire populations in America. Places people make a living on the road and come home to a rural life. Doesn’t work if you have to work at the hub.

We’re taking about taking away $55,000 a year jobs from towns where that is good and moving them to cities where they are not. That concerns me because of burger shops in small towns that need that income. It isn’t just magical numbers in a big pot. They are real communities in America, there are many many many of them, and the single way any family makes any money in the entire town us about to be replaced in a few years.

It’s happened to communities before and it’s very ugly. I would like better for Americans. I would like us to prepare with wisdom.

Autonomous trucking is robot irrelevance-atoll. profit driven Americans will step on living children and drown cities for money if we let them. They have proven it countless times. They will kill whole towns for cheaper shipping and we will watch as if we were helpless. We aren’t helpless. We are just finding arguments for not doing anything. Justifying being well payed and satisfied while it happens to other communities.


Odd_Analyst_8905 t1_it7r5ee wrote

So you don’t say shit. Because that would mean something. That’s man behavior. To make a statement you support. And stand by it.

But you got that other thing. That little kid thing. That snot on his lip all the time-telling adults how to do everything-thing. If I never stand for anything I never risk being wrong thing.

People you’re attracted to will find it an attractive personality trait I assure you. Keep it up. Lots of respect coming out way in life.


Odd_Analyst_8905 t1_it2sq4a wrote

Truck drivers absolutely refuse to retrain. When it’s free and they can choose their training. 96 percent refused to even consider it. My tiny violin aside companies that fail to adjust will simply fail. Cheaper conversions will explode.

This could not be an issue but the drivers are stupid people so it’s going to be much much worse than it could be.