
Odd_Armadillo5315 t1_j6iuwfm wrote

Yeah, and there's so much fear mongering based on this belief.

It couldn't conduct a legal defence in a courtroom, or even write the documents for it. But it could be used by a paralegal to search millions of past cases to find 30 examples of precedent in an hour where the paralegal would have needed to spend weeks reading in order just to find one example.

This is the example I've been using recently to demonstrate that it's not about to just make knowledge workers redundant, but it'll make their output far better researched if they utilise it sensibly.


Odd_Armadillo5315 t1_j6iu2s7 wrote

Nice idea, but as soon as a platform starts actually changing the content like this, the news providers will stop using that platform. Who is liable if a news item suddenly becomes libellous due to a change the AI made?

Plus you get some kid failing an exam because they kept writing about the Salem investigations.


Odd_Armadillo5315 t1_j2xtfsb wrote

Return to? It's already happening on a gigantic scale & for purposes with much less useful outcomes.

There are established ways for it to happen in a sustainable manner, so battery manufacturers could insist on only using those sources. What's a better use of a felled tree: one day's newspapers for one town or an EV battery with a 15 year life and a further 10 years as a storage battery?