
OfficialMcMerica t1_jedfmar wrote

That's why holding individual stocks long typically has better returns than trading (more certainty on longer horizons).

This country will never get rid of inflation or the debt, but this ensures the market will continue upwards until the end of our economy.

I do swing trade, but we live in a very unique time I think. Some of these stocks will balloon like bitcoin. Like dot com, many companies will fail and go under. But there will be mad acquisitions and winners in our lifetime if you find good concepts, take a risk, and hold.


OfficialMcMerica t1_jedeo7a wrote

Economics is a social science for this reason - you can argue either schools of thought with valid data on either side.

Higher rates and inflation can also mean less institutional borrowing, less consumer spending, and less earnings. We are also at historic levels that carry risks we don't even know.

War can drive up energy and defense stocks, but it can also crash the overall market. Not to mention a China conflict could set the U.S back decades technologically if we lose.

Social unrest, an upcoming election (market typically acts mixed and dips leading up to elections for the uncertainty). June- we have a debt ceiling "show" to watch.

This is why I no longer listen to analysts - along with seeing bribery practices in the industry (pay for ratings).

Do your own homework and be willing to change views. That's all I can say. Like Jimbo always says "be a bull, be a bear, but don't be a pig"


OfficialMcMerica t1_jacpy56 wrote

I hear this about video games (mostly from generations that didn't grow up with them). I mean if you're in your 30's and playing all day instead of being productive; I can see the issue.

That being said, who cares what people think about what you like to do in your spare time? They're probably just mad, because they've trapped themselves in a mentality that doesn't allow them to enjoy things that they may enjoy.